Monday, October 7, 2013

Gurren no Kamina (Guren no Yamiya parody lyrics for TTGL)

Off Vocal

Spirals can extend into the heavens

Though we live in caves of safety

There are things that I still dream of
Someday soon I swear we'll break free
Find out what may lie out above

Your drill pierces through the darkness
Lights the world with unseen sunlight
Though we may not know the danger
We still have to man up and fight!

There are those who would bring us down
They're the cause for our fears that drive us underground
They are the one who bring about suffering
What can you do to fight them?

Channel the spiral soul deep within you
Use overwhelming will to break through
Yours is the drill that pierces the heavens!
Believe in me who believes in you!
never give up and join the Resistance
We shall succeed through sheer persistence
If we're together, we can both run far
Who do you think we are?

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