“No matter what, all I do is no use”
I saw the sadness held in your face
And I knew that saying to just “do your
Wouldn’t fix the problems you had
“Well then, you should try to look on the
positive side
Or else tomorrow will become worse”
And with that I grab your hand to show
you it’s not so bad
If you feel blue even in the sun,
then you have to see how anything can
still be fun!
But still your eyes still water with pain
“I’m sure that it’s no good, the memories
But still I believe that you can escape
Just look ahead at what makes it
Full of hope even if you still doubt
That you have my support, I will still
help you out
Don’t give up with “might as well” lines
That’s forbidden at any time!
“Hey, why don’t we go together?”
Let’s both get rid of all these worries
“I still don’t get what is happening now”
You hold back all of your tears poorly
Sighing all the time as if it’s hard for
you to breathe
Because you still cannot believe
“If you don’t try now with all that you’ve
Your memories will be reduced to naught”
And so I take hold of your hand and run
along again
If you feel blue, even in the night
Even though all the sun is gone, it’ll be
Your face went pale at the scene ahead
And soundless tears fell from your eyes
You cried to my surprise
Within this tiny world of endless sorrow
When you can’t see to tomorrow
You said “We should have been together”
It’s a weight upon your heart that you
hold forever
Even if my words of hope can’t reach out
to you, I must do something now
I want to give you my strength
“I want to help you out. I wish I could
Take this hope and just believe it!
Say it loud and really mean it!
“There is no such thing as a hopeless
If you wish for it enough, you’ll meet
with her again!"
Take a deep breath as you focus
Looking at the moon you notice now
There is a light in the sky, and so you
shout out then
One more again
“We will meet once again, someday,
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