(Eirin) Yes indeed, that will be more
than enough for us today
(Reisen) I am glad that everything today
went fine
(Remilia) Oh, that’s right! Sakuya, you
can stop stopping the time!
[0:36] (Marisa) Geez, it’s bright. So
what time is it now, ya think?
(Alice) It looks like it’s about 12:00,
so shall we go?
(Yukari) So Vampire, I guess now’s the
best time to ask.
How were you getting home?
[0:48] (Remilia) … As I planned! Sakuya,
get my parasol
(Reimu) Typical. She always has to have
some control
(Yuyuko) So it’s time for us to go and
get some lunch?
(Marisa) Haven’t ya been eating? Ya must
eat outside a bunch
[1:00] (Eirin) Kaguya, shall we go join
them for a meal?
(Kaguya) That sounds good. Do you guys
know of any tasty place?
(Yuyuko) There’s this stand that serves
some really tasty eel!
(Youmu) Mistress, there’s not enough
[1:36] (Mystia) Wah! What are you two doing here again?!
(Remilia) Sakuya, it looks like we get to
grill the bird today
(Marisa) So do ya got anything special
(Mystia) In a while, we’re gonna have a
special bird sake
[1:49] (Reimu) Alright then, I’ll have
some of the Lamprey Eel
(Eirin) Undonge, would you like to have
this as the first taste?
(Reisen) Thanks Master… This lamprey eel
is rather good
(Eirin) Kaguya, this meal is safe
[2:00] (Marisa) So do ya mess with the
moon every month then?
(Tewi) Not really. The master said that
something might happen
(Eirin) I had thought the moon would
visit here for sure
(Yukari) Not a chance. They could never
get past my barrier
[2:13] (Remilia) So how would they manage
to make their way here?
(Reisen) In a ship that travels through
space or something
(Yukari) Don’t try it. You’d never make
it very far
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