-Clock Tower-
[0:23] (Sakuya) Excuse me, magician. Might you be headed in?
[0:23] (Sakuya) Excuse me, magician. Might you be headed in?
(Alice) I was just curious about what’s
going on, so yes
(Sakuya) I see, so it seems you too have
Well then, you can pass by me if you pass
my test!
[1:17] (Alice) So why did Marisa come
(Sakuya) She came to consult with
… that, or to steal, I suppose
(Alice) So who is she?
[1:29] (Sakuya) Someone with quite
extensive knowledge traits
(Alice) So does she know what is going
(Sakuya) Well, probably. She’s been
researching since dawn
[2:03] (Alice) So, this person of
knowledge… why doesn’t she move out?
(Sakuya) That’s just the way that she
always acts. She only moves in crisis
(Alice) Well surely this one counts
(Sakuya) Well perhaps not this time
(Sakuya) Well perhaps not this time
After all, it’s only the shrine maiden
who does as she pleases
[2:58] (Alice) By the way, why are we up
(Sakuya) I was looking for someone lost
(Alice) Do you need help?
(Sakuya) No, I’ll look for her later
(Sakuya) No, I’ll look for her later
[3:09] Shall we go in to the library?
(Alice) Alright, if it’s no trouble at all
(Alice) Alright, if it’s no trouble at all
(Sakuya) Miss Patchouli, someone has come
by to call
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