Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Reach for the Moon ~ Immortal Smoke

[0:00] (Neutral) Someone who drank the Hourai. A girl who says she’ll never die
Though a thousand years may pass, the immortal smoke of Mokou will smolder and last

[0:24] (Mokou) Alright, last chance. Will you leave?
I can’t die, so you can’t beat me
(Yuyuko) Still, it is worth a try
Youmu, go ahead and try to cut out the Hourai

[0:36] (Mokou) [Limiting Edict: Curse of Tsuki-Iwakasa]
None of you still get it.
You’re not getting anything it you’re eating my guts raw
-Fire. Lots of Fire-

-Girls are Talking-
[1:36] (Reimu) So, this is normal?
Someone tries to kill you somehow?
(Mokou) Yeah, we both go way back.
We’ve been killing each other for 300 years now

[1:48] (Sakuya) Sounds like quite a chore
(Mokou) It really has become a bore
I thought I might give up, but every time Kaguya keeps coming back for more

[2:02] [Possessed by Phoenix].
Every time she comes up, I’m pissed
Really, it’s all her fault.
She is the main reason that I am stuck here like this

[2:14] (Marisa) [Love Sign: Master Spark]! Maybe it’s time to give it up?
(Reimu) I don’t know about you, but 300 years of killing seems like quite enough
(Mokou) No, I can’t do that. [Fujiwara: Forgiving Shrine]
If she keeps on fighting, then I guess that killing her back is perfectly fine

[2:26] (Youmu) [Slash of the Present World]
It’s strange that you can be cut so
(Mokou) It still doesn’t matter.
My body regenerates with every death, you know?

[2:39] Now [Phoenix Rebirth]. Let’s get this over with, alright?
This is too annoying. Seriously, I wasn’t planning to come here to fight
-Last Wording-

[2:49] (Neutral) She had wanted her revenge, but only cursed herself instead
Now she’s a pure human, someone who is described as neither alive nor dead
-Girls are Fighting-

-Mokou Defeated-
 [3:12] (Mokou) Alright then, you guys win with this
I don’t care, just do as you wish
It’s not like I can die
(Marisa) Sure ya don’t want to get up and have another try?

[3:25] (Mokou) No, it hurts too much. So are you gonna “eat my guts”?
(Alice) No, there is no point to. That Hourai elixir is useless to four of us
-Mokou is Resting-
-Remilia is Lounging-
-Marisa is Thinking. It’s kinda weird-
-Yukari is Narrating-

 [4:26] (Marisa) Hey, what if Youmu managed to cut you clean in two?
Which part would be reborn?
(Mokou) Is that really something that you had wanted to do?

[4:36] (Yukari) That doesn’t matter. (Alice) The soul would just make something new
(Marisa) Oh, so it’s the soul then.
Then what is that thing that’s always stickin’ to Youmu?

[4:50] (Youmu) That’s my phantom half. ! And it doesn’t “stick”, don’t laugh!
(Reimu) So, are we all done then? It’s not like there’s a Youkai to beat up on a whim

[5:04] (Yuyuko) No, we’re not done yet.
There was one thing we had to seek
It was about “guts”, right?
Youmu, there’s a ghost under that tree there, you see?

[5:14] (Reimu) How can she be scared of a ghost? That’s part of her job!
(Yuyuko) Youmu is a coward. That s why she is an apprentice under me
(Youmu) *sob*

[5:26] (Remilia) Now, let us all go.
There’s someone who needs to learn fear
(Yukari) Well, she seems ecstatic
(Reimu) Tormenting immortals must be a source of good cheer

[5:39] (Neutral) Those who cannot die lost touch with the world passing by
Change is what they need then if they want to be reborn to live their lives again


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