[0:36] (Eiki) Well that explains what’s
I was wondering where the souls Komachi
had were
(Sakuya) My apologies if my presence
distracted her from her duties for far too long then
(Eiki) Don’t worry, this is quite typical
for her
[1:01] Still, currently her workload is
far too immense, hmmm
(Sakuya) Spare me all the details. So
then now
I trust you are aware of the situation?
So then
Does this crisis require your attention?
[1:39] (Eiki) I understand, but it’s
(Sakuya) (Business with flowers? Is she a
[1:53] (Eiki) These ghosts all came from
And the true source of the problem’s
(Sakuya) So this means more people died?
(Eiki) I don’t know why they have
[2:19] More importantly, let’s review
your actions… let’s see
You are far too cold to other humans who
do not act like Youkai
(Sakuya) Warm blood means nothing to one
as I
[2:43] (Eiki) If you were to die here,
your passage would be long
(Sakuya) What passage will I take? Death,
you mean?
(Eiki) Yes, this place is Higan, and over
there is Hell
But you must worry for what’s between
[3:19] If you behave too badly, you will
endure a long journey
It is a passage that thins with good
deeds, but your soul may somehow be lost
If you sin, you will pay the cost
[3:44] (Sakuya) So let me see if I’m
The longer the trip, the worse off?
(Eiki) Souls will wear out before long if
they are stuck in the passage in between
They are lost in the equinox
[4:45] (Sakuya) So I see. Souls can feel
But that does not have anything import
now for me
If I don’t treasure the present without
worry, I may find that I have become too sick
So for now, I’ll ask after this epidemic
[5:10] (Eiki) Don’t! Too many people
think they can wait a while
Once you have died, it’s then far too
Now, too many people think like you, it’s
That has made it a big new issue!
[5:47] Don’t be a knife, be good in life!
[6:02] If you don’t, we’ll speak again
And it will be far too late then
For now, just act more warmly
And let your heart be more open
[6:26] (Sakuya) Well, I understand.
Though I still don’t see the haste
(Eiki) If you keep putting it off, you
will fall into habits you can’t avoid
And your efforts will be put to waste
[6:51] Well, that is all for now, so I’ll
cut this talk short. Good day
(Sakuya) (Still she gave quite a lecture
Ah, here are Red Spider Lilies in bloom,
Well, I should head back home. There’s no
need to stay
[7:28] (Neutral) The elegant scarlet maid
was told to open up her heart
She would have to try to learn to act
warmly to those all around her soon
And try not to live so apart
[7:53] (Eiki) Well, that was her main
I can’t fault her for her service
But it’s difficult to judge without my
power in these circumstances
And it’s the fault of her mistress
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