Music Provided by the very talented DJ the S
returns to the shrine. Marisa and Suika are there-
[0:11] (Marisa) Hey Reimu, fancy that.
What brings you here?
(Reimu) Yukari and Yuyuko were acting
kinda weird
(Marisa) So, are you ready for the big
(Reimu) What do you mean by “big” party?
Sakuya, Meiling and Patchouli arrive-
(Sakuya) Ah, hello. Excuse me
[0:24] (Reimu) What are you all doing?
(Remilia) Coming for the viewing
And this shrine of yours has my favorite
Sakuya move my chair over by that tree
(Reimu) Who in the world invited all of
(Meiling) This event was open and our
view was broken
By the fires that Marisa set off
(Marisa) Hey, that wasn’t from me. That
one was Patchouli
(Patchouli) Return all of my books, sneak
[0:36] (Marisa) Come over here and make
dives for Marisa-
[0:43] (Lyrica) Come on, let’s start this
[0:49] (Merlin) So how are we gonna
start? Which song comes first?
(Lunasa) Come on, it’s going the same way
we rehearsed
(Lyrica) Here’s our new song everybody! “Forte
White arrives, Cirno arrives-
[1:00] (Reimu) What in the world’s going
on? (Lily White) Now it is Spring!
It’s great that everyone is celebrating!
(Cirno) Hey, everyone’s here at my
shrine! (Suika) Oh, so that fairy’s fine
[1:14] (Cirno) I’ll beat you all! I am
Gensokyo’s strongest!
returns, Patchouli is missing-
(Yuuka) Oh, is that so? Shall we now
(Marisa) What did ya do? Your parasol shut
her up
(Yuuka) Oh, it’s simply that she had
[1:26] By the way, here’s a complaint for
you: You had fooled me
(Marisa) Hey, ya did that yourself when I
answered. I answered honestly!
wanders off-
[1:38] Where’s everyone? I thought there
would be those guys from Eientei
gaps in, Ran and Chen follow-
(Yukari) Oh, don’t worry. They are on
their way
[1:50] (Reimu) Oh, Yukari. Why am I not
surprised to see you?
(Yukari) Oh, hey Reimu! How’ve you been?
Long time, no see
(Reimu) We just saw each other at the river about an hour ago!
Stop playing dumb! Honestly
(Yukari) Oh well, I had to go home to get
sake and a few items
Here are some saucers (Suika) Hey, now
you are talking!
(Marisa) Hey, the Eientei guys are here!
deathglares Tewi-
(Tewi) Reimu, here are some donations
(Reimu) Fine, I’ll forgive everything
[2:15] (Tewi) Well that’s a relief, I
thought you were gonna hit me
(Reimu) You deserve it, but I guess I’ll
be nice this party
(Reisen) Do you need help setting up? The
area around here right now looks rather rough
(Eirin) Undonge, could you move these
ones inside?
(Mukou) Kaguya! Today is the day you die!
(Reimu) Don’t you dare start any fires!
Keep it away from the shrine, or take it to the sky
[2:40] (Chen) Can I go play with the
fairies right now? Can I, Miss Yukari?
(Yukari) Make sure you inform Ran. And
also bring that sake we brought to me
[2:52] (Suika) Alright then, bottoms up
for everyone!
(Marisa) Gah! What the hell?! Why is this
sake so spicy?
(Yukari) Ha! So it worked. That is Bhut
(Reimu) And that is my revenge for that
one ice fairy
[3:04] (Aya) Ah! Hey Reimu, here is the latest
for this spring’s issue!
(Reimu) I made it clear that I’m not
reading it! (Aya) Don’t be like that!
(Yukari) Oh, may I see? Well, this is
interesting for a tengu
(Aya) I guarantee that every story in
there is a fact
[3:27] (Yukari) It’s refreshing, but I’m
curious: What has prompted you to make such a change?
(Aya) It’s like the wind. You have to
focus on what’s important
You should listen Reimu, since ya don’t seem to care about this shrine
sometimes from what I see
Who knows, it might get torn down if it’s
[3:53] (Reimu) No way I would let
something like that happen. Don’t you even dare to try!
Maybe I might do some remodeling(Reimu) Is your goal today to die?
(Yukari) Losing the shrine might be a big
problem. Suika, could you be prepared?
(Reimu) Figures, only when it hurts
Gensokyo is when you start to get scared
[4:17] (Yukari) Well I’ll have you know,
we set up the border long ago
And it would be such a pain to make it
and Youmu arrive-
[4:28] (Youmu) Hello everyone (Yuyuko)
Yay! They have more snacks
(Yukari) Ah, I see you’ve finally arrived
(Yuyuko) Well, we would be here earlier,
but you forgot to give us a ride
(Yukari) Oh, was that a thing I was
supposed to do?
(Yuyuko) Yes, all aboard the Yakumo Line!
(Yukari) But you guys live so far away…
(Reimu) You gap everywhere, so don’t
and Youmu go help set up-
[4:57] (Marisa) I wonder how things will
be in 60 years
(Yukari) Yes, things have changed, and
they will undoubtedly
(Marisa) Reimu still won’t get faith or
any new donations
(Yuyuko) And maybe I won’t be stuck under
our tree!
and Youmu return-
[5:20] (Reimu) Please don’t tell me you
are planning to unseal it. You remember the last time.
(Yuyuko) If I get one of you to do it all
for me, then it will all be fine
(Reimu) You should just leave sealed
things alone or else they might cause a problem for someone
(Yukari) Oh, that’s quite amusing. Wasn’t
the Netherworld’s border broken by someone?
[5:44] (Reimu) Hey, that reminds me: are
you gonna fix that or not? People keep complaining to me
(Yukari) I don’t feel like doing it
is messing with a laptop-
[5:54] (Youmu) That’s interesting. Is
that from that half-youkai’s shop filled with all the Outside items?
(Marisa) Yeah, but this one’s almost out
of “power” again
[6:03] (Reimu) I still don’t get how that
stuff works
They’re like shikigami, but even worse?
(Marisa) Well, Kourin said that they need
some lightning
I tried to use my Hakkero on one, but it
ended up frying
[6:29] (Yukari) You should be careful
with some things best left alone
You may find trouble waiting below. You
never know.
(Yuyuko) Oh? Sounds like Yukari’s now
remembering them
How long has it been since they had left
[6:42] (Marisa) You’re bein’ cryptic ‘cuz
ya feel like it, aint ya?
(Yukari) Well it’s a long story and I don’t
feel like recalling
Still, you should keep in mind that good
comes with some bad
Change isn’t always such a pleasant thing
and Youmu wander off-
returns, covered in leaves and twigs-
[6:54] (Patchouli) Like an Oni coming
back, perhaps? Really, why are you here?
(Suika) I’m here cuz Reimu lets me stay
here, and the atmosphere!
(Marisa) Come on Patchy, lay off for a
bit. There is no harm in it
(Patchouli) It’s a sign of a calamity!
[7:16] (Alice) What, Marisa telling the
(Marisa) Hey Alice. I have got to say it’s
good to see you
(Alice) Well, perhaps I had spoken too
(Patchouli) She has been switching back
and forth all afternoon
and Patchouli leave-
[7:39] (Marisa) But really Reimu. Ya
gotta try hard or else someone will take all your faith
That rabbit went and got those donations
to your shrine just by asking people to donate
(Reimu) Hey, it’s fine! Everything’s
under control. I am still the only shrine maiden
And no, that month on the moon doesn’t
really count. I don’t have any competition
[8:01] (Marisa) Well then, I will hafta
come swooping to steal all of your requests
[8:07] (Reimu) Try it if you dare
(Marisa) You’re actually scared of it?
(Reimu) My job is sacred! You’re just a
(Marisa) And if they have one, then I’m
gonna solve’em!
[8:14] (Remilia) You two, quiet. You are
ruining the good view and it is annoying all of the other guests
[8:20] (Reimu) Wait, why’s she giving me
orders? Don’t they know this is my
(Marisa) Well they’re used to coming out
here, since we do it all the time
[8:33] (Flandre) Hey Marisa! Play a game
with me!
(Meiling) Little sister, when did you get
here? (Flandre) I followed you out
I played tag with all of those fairies,
but they kept going poof when they tagged out
(Meiling) Well at least it was only
(Marisa) Alright then, let’s go and play tag with a speedy Tengu
(Marisa) Alright then, let’s go and play tag with a speedy Tengu
(Reimu) I can see why she never goes out
(Remilia) Yes, that has caused quite a problem or two
(Aya) Hey, keep up now! (Marisa) Watch
where you’re going!
(Flandre) Maybe I will go for an eye and
see if it slows you
Wait, that’s not hers… (Marisa) Who did
ya blow up?
(Aya) I think she just blew up those
immortal two…
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