Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I found myself in a strange place today
It was an address on memory lane
A place meant for fools, for swinging nonsense
A place for a kiss in the rain

I know not why visions of things long cast by
Should resurface right now without cause
For what purpose do dreams show me another grey sky?
I find myself trapped in doubt's claws

Concerning no thing that exists in my life
Yet concerning a void that exists
The blank space paradox that furnishes the walls
Adds confusion into the mix

Though I may scour the cupboards and cabinets
Sweep the shelves looking for any trace
I know as I search through each room on each floor
I won't find what's missing in this place

The note on the mantel in Memory lane
States clearly that I've done this before
But here's a decree added by a past me
"When you leave next time, lock the door"

To the finder of this note, please read all I've wrote
And may you better luck than me
In finding what is gone, else the search will go on...
To Number 4, from Number 3

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