Thursday, December 31, 2015

Youkai Girl at the Gate

[0:00] (Kyouko) Watch what you say, someone is listening
Say it louder when it's echoing!
Come out and play if you're coming my way
Let's have fun on the first day of Spring!

[0:13] (Marisa) Well, that's okay if you're planning to fight
Come on, we've been doing this all night!

[0:20] (Kyouko) [Echo Sign: Mountain Echo Scramble] is sound
Come on, when you guys talk, you should try to be more loud
Enjoy the clear weather and break out in song
(Youmu) She's like the Prismriver sisters and their big crowds

[0:33] (Kyouko) If you got news, then come and talk about it
I'll spread it round to everyone, so never doubt it
Echo it back and forth
(Marisa) Oh, now I get it
That's why you're being loud

[0:43] (Kyouko) Well of course I am! Did you think I'd turn on my existence?
My [Echo Sign]! This is how I show my feelings with [Power Resonance]!

[0:57] (Sanae) Oh, I see! You're a Yamabiko Youkai, aren't you?
Hey, "Yahoo"!
(Kyouko) I see that you know the game! [Charged Yahoo!]

-Kyouko defeated-

[1:23] Looks like I lose in a formal duel
What do you need? That's part of the rules ~

[1:30] (Reimu) ... Have you seen the ghosts that people are reporting?
(Kyouko) There was a meeting about that issue this morning
Nazrin told us to send you guys to the cemetery
(Marisa) Isn't that the one from the Tengu's Zombie story?

[1:43] (Sanae) I read that one. Doesn't she have no memory?
(Youmu) Ah, I didn't. Could you explain what is a "zombie"?
(Marisa) A corpse that lives and eats the brains of the living people!
(Kyouko) She's out past the temple

[1:55] (Youmu) Someone who is dead, but still alive is an issue for my mistress
Maybe I should look into this matter so she won't worry from this
(Marisa) That's the plan! Though I heard she doesn't remember something
(Kyouko) Also, we heard earlier that someone was fighting

-girls exit-

Welcome to Youkai Temple

-Kyouko enters. Marisa, Reimu, Sanae, and Youmu enter-

[0:30] (Kyouko) Anupadasuttam, Namusam-
(Marisa) Incoming! We're here on business!
(Sanae) Marisa! She was doing her morning duties!
(Youmu) Well, I see she still tends to make a big mess

-Marisa exits-

[0:55] By the way, my name is Youmu Konpaku
(Sanae) My name's Kochiya Sanae
(Youmu) My condolences for working beside these two
(Reimu) Marisa, you're headed the wrong way!

-Reimu exits-

[1:20] (Sanae) They've mentioned you. So you used to join them?
(Youmu) Yes, but 2 years ago I learned a certain lesson
Well, mistress said to come, so I can help this time
(Marisa) So you're not grounded then?
(Reimu) Hey, we passed the Youkai Shrine!

[2:17] (Kyouko) Hey! Good morning! Wait, that's dangerous!
Why are you swinging sharp objects?!
(Youmu) Well, it's fine. Fairies can be quite annoying
(Kyouko) This temple has a strict ban on killing!

[2:42] (Marisa) By the way, can you pipe down? You're pretty loud
(Kyouko) And deny my own existence?
And by the way, attacking's in the liturgy
So challengers, fight if you want to get by me!

[3:06] (Youmu) A fight, of course. Well, it seems nothing's really changed
The things that can't be cut by my swords are next to none!
(Marisa) Hah, I missed that! Well I guess I'll be joining in
I don't mind a challenge! So why don't we have some fun?

Ghost Lead

[0:00] (Yuyuko) [Dance of the Dead Butterflies -Cherry Blossoms]
(Reimu) This again? Move away!
(Marisa) You're kidding! Cards like this are the best to graze!
(Sanae) Hey, come on guys! Which strategy is safe?
(Reimu) Just back off!
(Marisa) No, keep close to shoot at point blank
(Sanae) I'll just stay right here. This part is manageable

[0:35] (Yuyuko) By the way, what are you looking for?
(Marisa) Ghosts are being weird, don'tcha know?
(Reimu) What she means is that there are divine spirits all over
(Yuyuko) Is that so?
[Nether Sign: Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms]
Well if you beat this, I might say what I know
(Marisa) [Master Spark]! Laser-to-face will always win!
(Reimu) Well, looks like we won. So tell me, what are these?

-Youmu enters-

[1:22] (Youmu) Tea's ready
(Yuyuko) Sorry, but I don't know
That has nothing to do with us
(Reimu) Oh come on!
(Youmu) Reimu? Why are you here today?
(Marisa) I can't believe that this trip was just a bust

[1:45] (Yuyuko) Oh, Youmu! Someone will make a revival
There are no secrets behind the new temple

[1:57] (Youmu) ... Alright then, I suppose I should go
(Yuyuko) Don't forget to bring souvenirs!
(Sanae) So do we... Follow her?
(Marisa) Yeah, I guess
(Youmu) Is this why you three came out here?

[2:20] (Yuyuko) Don't forget, the cemetery is the place
(Reimu) Alright, so much for "we don't know anything"...
(Sanae) I'm confused. Is she helping or something else?
(Marisa) Let's just chalk it up to the weirdness of spring

-girls exit-

[2:43] (Yuyuko) ...Yukari, have you woken up yet?
Looks like we've got a small problem...

Night Sakura of Dead Spirits


[0:00] (Sanae) Somehow, I thought this would be harder
Is it alright to come into the Netherworld this way?
(Marisa) Of course. The door is open, ain't it?
(Sanae) Well, it wasn't really. There was space above it
(Reimu) Focus guys

[0:40] Alright, these ghosts are blocking our way. Geez
Let's just start shooting then. I want to finish this today
(Sanae) Can we do that?
(Marisa) Got it! If we can't, blame Reimu!
(Reimu) I don't have to worry, since it's coming from you
(Sanae) You two...

-spirits approach-

[1:33] (Marisa) Reimu, do you see what I see?
Those ghosts that we shot down kinda turned all misty
(Reimu) Yeah, I saw them as well
(Sanae) I think I can sense energy
Coming from the ones that we just shot down
(Marisa) Well, that's just too creepy

-Yuyuko enters-

[2:12] (Reimu) Huh. Let's go beat up these ghosts' boss
(Sanae) Of course you would say that
(Yuyuko) Do we have visitors? Wait right here, I'll go and prepare a pot of tea

-Yuyuko exits-

[2:26] (Sanae) Who's that? She's not like the others
(Marisa) That's cuz she's a phantom. Just think of her as a ghost lady

-Yuyuko enters-

[3:05] (Yuyuko) Alright, you three can now come in
(Reimu) We're just here on business
(Sanae) We need information
(Reimu) So, what are you planning?
(Yuyuko) Who knows? Why don't we duel for it?
(Sanae) Of course it comes to that
(Marisa) Alright, that's the spirit!

Spirit of Avarice

-Sanae enters-

[0:07] (Marisa) Oh, hey there Sanae! What brings you out this way?
(Sanae) Have you seen the spirits that are forming today?

[0:34] (Reimu) So that's what the news was
Hey, didn't this happen a few years back?
(Marisa) I was thinking of the incident before that
We should go check
(Sanae) Where are we going to?
(Marisa) The Netherworld portal
(Sanae) The Netherworld?!
(Marisa) Oh, don't be a baby
(Reimu) It's not such a big deal
Come on, let's go

-on the way-

[0:46] I've got a bad feeling
(Marisa) Yeah, I'm getting one too
Since they're all ghosts
(Sanae) Have you done this before?
(Marisa) Well, I wouldn't say that
The ghosts are new
(Sanae) No, I mean the portal
(Reimu) Oh, that part is easy
It's still open
And Yukari never fixed it after that mess
We can go through

-Youkai Mountain-

[1:14] (Reimu) Why'd we do this at night? The mountain is freezing!
(Marisa) Your fault, armpits
Why don't you two dress more warmly for this weather?
That would do it
(Reimu) It's not just the weather. The spirits aren't helping
(Sanae) I'm doing fine
(Reimu) Anyway, hurry up. Let's finish this quickly
Don't fall behind

Friday, December 11, 2015

Wind God Girl (Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red)

[0:20] (Bunbunmaru) Special Reveal! The Giant Shadow that many have Seen!
Revealed at last: Hisou Tensoku, the giant of steam!
Brought to you by the Moriya Shrine and Genbu Kappa
Here’s some remarks from the miko, Sanae Kochiya!

[0:43] (Sanae) Moriya Shrine apologizes for the disturbance that we’ve caused today
Please be assured that there’s no danger in any way
The robot is like a balloon, and it cannot move from its place on Youkai Mountain
(Aya) Alright then, let’s hear from the Goddess of the Wind!

[1:22] Now Miss Kanako Yakasa: Why is there a giant robot near Moriya?
(Kanako) This is a quick preview of all the things that we can do
We plan to let Gensokyo grow anew

[1:46] (Aya) As residents like me must confess, I don’t think that I really understand
(Kanako) An example of many changes that my partner and I have currently planned
The construct you see behind me is powered by steam and can be moved by anyone
Science and magic can now become like one

[2:11] (Suwako) In layman’s terms, what she wants to do is modernize all of Gensokyo soon
We plan to start by bringing power to everyone
(Aya) Is that course wise? Some people would say that power for all is too dangerous
And there are still some rumors about that Hell Raven with the power of the sun
(Kanako) Oh, I see. That’s not what we mean. We meant things like steam and indoor electricity
It’s time Gensokyo could grasp technology!

-Later at the Moriya Shrine-

[3:28] (Kanako) I think that went well. Now everyone can tell that we mean serious business
(Sanae) That was a disaster. Someone will accuse us of starting an incident

[3:40] (Suwako) Hey, don’t worry. Some people have seen that all of this steam doesn’t hurt a fly
I order you to cheer up at once and enjoy yourself
(Sanae) I promise that I’ll try
(Kanako) All this faith… it seems that Tengu has sent out the news, and her paper’s hardly alone
(Utsuho) Unyu?
(Kanako) And for the last time, you should go home!

-page 2-

[4:04] (Bunbunmaru) –And now we have a missing Youkai: The Hell Raven who responds to “Okyuu”
She was last seen near Youkai Mountain a week ago
Her friend “Orin”, a Hellcat Kasha, has something to say about her missing
“If you see her, tell her to head down. It’s better that way, because Okyuu is slow.
Either that, or just send her to the Hakurei Shrine and get Reimu to contact me
Tell her that this is an order from Satori!”


[5:34] (Kanako) … So, Sanae, I just realized you should go and visit Reimu
And while you’re out, you should probably take Okyuu too
(Suwako) Kanako’s too scared to go out You’re in trouble now
(Sanae) I suppose I can go solve this
Come on Utsuho, let’s go already
(Utsuho) Unyuu?