Monday, June 29, 2015

You Asked For It

[0:12] (Yukari) Oh, how nostalgic. A purple umbrella
So then why might you be here, Marisa?

[0:35] (Marisa) She wants some training on how a Youkai fights
Yuuka is iffy, so-
(Yukari) Yeah, yeah. That’s alright

[0:59] Here! Be on guard always!
(Marisa) Well, have fun!
(Kogasa) Okay!
(Yukari) Let’s see what you can do
(Kogasa) Here I come! Thank you!

[1:24] (Yukari) Hmm, not bad, but it’s too spread out there
Someone can go right between this one. Fill it up to add one more scare

[1:36] Yes, better. Remember how it looks
Scary is dependent on what others see
(Kogasa) So, is this scary?

[1:47] (Yukari) Tighten the spiral and spin
Right now it’s just a drizzle, not a downpour like you want
Alright then, practice is done. Let’s get to a real lesson
You need to do it all even while dodging a pattern

[2:11] (Kogasa) Alright, here I come! Please fight me seriously!
(Yukari) Well then, you asked for it. Watch out for this boundary

[2:37] (Kogasa) [Parasol Star Symphony]
(Yukari) That’s an oldie. Outside references are nice
Back to the fight…

[3:24] [Umbrella Sign: Lightly Falling Large Raindrops] here!
Do you think this is enough to cause a human fear?
(Yukari) Maybe so, but the rain isn’t enough for some people nowadays
A storm works better and does more damage that way

[3:48] If you like spinning, go for cyclones or water spouts
Go ask for these books when you visit that one mansion
And don’t be afraid of dive bombing your enemy
Then retreating to do it again

[4:12] (Kogasa) Where can I practice?
(Yukari) Try some places out of the way
Long roads or cemeteries will work if they’re alone
(Kogasa) Thank you, …
(Yukari) Yukari. Look me up at the shrine sometime
Of course, only when Reimu’s not home

-Kogasa exits-

[4:35] That was quite refreshing. To have such fervor for one’s purpose is quite impressive
It’s a bit unfortunate that she’s too cute to be feared
Well I guess it works out. There are many Youkai out here

Heian Alien

[0:10] (Nue) Alright, let’s get this thing started. A [Mysterious Snake Show]!
Come one, come all! See the unseen for a time in Gensokyo!
Aren’t all these now a mystery? So, what do I look like now?
(Reimu) An idiot with too many tails
(Nue) Oh, I’ve been found out!

[0:44] Alright then, here comes a pattern, but this one has one small twist!
Can you tell what kind of bullet I’m using after it shifts?
Fill the blanks if you are confused, but it won’t help with this mix
This is tradition from long years, it’s an ancient trick!

[1:10] (Sanae) Can you guys tell what she is using?
(Marisa) They’re all lasers!
(Reimu) No, these ones are moving too slow. They are probably bubbles
(Nue) Yes, that is correct, but what is next? Aren’t you missing someone?
[Blue UFO Invasion of Grief], oh, isn’t this so much fun?

[1:30] (Marisa) Hey, all my stuff! Which one is which? My mini-hakkero!
(Reimu) Hey, just sort it out. But be careful, those might explode

[1:52] (Nue) [Green UFO Invasion of Loyalty], friendly fire!
(Reimu) Sanae, she’s over that way! Get these snakes away from me
(Sanae) Those ones aren’t mine. They are disguised
(Marisa) Hey, I’ve got it! [Master Spark]!
(Nue) Can’t believe you’ve made it this far. One more mystery!

[2:15](Marisa) Looks like her last card. That wasn’t hard
(Reimu) Don’t jinx us right at the end
(Nue) [Rainbow UFO Invasion of Terror], once more again
(Sanae) Hey, is this normal? So many shots…
(Reimu) Some of them aren’t real
They’re just illusions, fire through them! [Spirit Sign: Fantasy Seal]!

[2:37] (Nue) Try hard as you like, much like the night
The unknown comes for all
(Marisa) Oh, at the darkness? I got it. Magic missile coming up!
(Sanae) I don’t get it, but she’s over there? Miracle on its way
(Reimu) That’s the only spot where UFOs don’t fly away

[3:10] (Nue) Can’t believe I lost to you three even after all that sleep
(Sanae) So you came to Gensokyo on a UFO? Amazing!
(Nue) Is there something wrong with her head?
(Marisa) So what to do with you then?
(Reimu) Maybe take her out to Hokkai?
(Nue) Don’t seal me again!

[3:44] (Reimu) Hey, you know I’m only kidding? Youkai can roam free these days
Of course we’re allowed to hunt them
(Nue) So I won’t get sealed away?
Even if I slaughter humans?
(Marisa) No, that one’s against the rules
(Reimu) And that friendly Youkai monk will get mad anyway

[4:10] (Nue) A friendly Youkai monk? Do you mean that Hijiri?
I thought she was a human
(Marisa) Nah, she’s just a magician
(Reimu) She’d help out a Nue, even like you
(Nue) I didn’t know that… oops
(Reimu) What. What did you do?
(Nue) I interfered and scattered all those boards
(Marisa) Well, I guess that they might take revenge. Better go fix that mess
(Nue) I’ll just be discrete
(Reimu) There is no need. I’ll tell them the rest

[4:52] (Sanae) Guys, stop being mean. She’s sorry. Apologize and explain
All those Youkai only want peace, so they’ll listen anyway
(Marisa) No, this is part of the usual. Scare them so they stay in line
(Reimu) Just ignore them. Fix your mess and everything is fine

[5:15] (Nue) Right, I’m going to. Are you sure they won’t really be angry?
(Reimu) No, you’re a Youkai so they’ll give you a free pass. Probably
(Marisa) Just stick to the rules and you’ll be fine. After all, they’re still here
But really, it works. Most Youkai behave if they have a little fear

-Nue exits-

[5:37] (Sanae) That’s not really nice and it’s not right, bullying some people
(Reimu) Hey, it’s better than wiping them out, and sometimes gets things done
(Kogasa) So, fighting makes fear? And a real threat is scarier than an act?
(Marisa) So, you’re interested? Well maybe I’ll introduce you to someone

Sunday, June 28, 2015

UFO Romance in the Night Sky

-Hakurei Shrine. Marisa enters-

[0:25] (Marisa) Guys, there’s a big disturbance. It’s the UFOs
They suddenly appeared around the new temple
So they asked if we three can go

-flying around-

[0:49] (Reimu) Marisa, what did you hear about this then?
(Marisa) They all appeared there again
(Sanae) I thought those were just part of the ship
(Marisa) That’s not it

[1:01] Just look. This one’s a plank of wood, got it?
When I open one, a snake comes right out
(Sanae) That’s mysterious. So what does Byakuren say for the UFOs?
(Marisa) Well, that part’s just it. Everyone there only sees a floating wood plank, so…

[1:24] (Reimu) So what you’re saying is everyone sees something different, right?
(Marisa) Yeah, it looks like those snakes are something that screws with your sight
(Reimu) Well, I guess that’s it. We’ll have to go and try to solve this mess
(Marisa) Yeah, it looks like it
(Sanae) We’ll just have to go and do our best!

[1:48] (Reimu) Alright, just crack open that UFO! We’ll follow that snake where it goes
(Sanae) It looks like it’s heading up. Let’s go after it!
(Marisa) Go Sanae, that’s the spirit!

-[snake] disappears-

[2:02] (Sanae) I think I lost it. It’s so hard to see
(Reimu) Then let’s set another one free
(Marisa) Hey, did someone hear a noise from somewhere over there?
(Kogasa) Boo! Was this one more scary?

-Kogasa enters-

[2:12] (Marisa) Hey, it’s Kogasa! So, what brings you here?
(Kogasa) What else but giving you night fears?
I realized humans are weak deep in the dark of night
When Youkai lurk out of sight

[2:24] (Marisa) So what you’re saying is you’re our next foe?
(Kogasa) Well, if you need a UFO…
You’ll have to be strong if you want to get victory
(Marisa) The act works better for Remi

[2:35] (Kogasa) Alright then, this won’t be like the last time!
[Surprising Rain: Guerilla Typhoon]!
Who knows what might happen to humans on this night
Under such a perfect full moon?

[2:47] (Marisa) Hah, you asked for it. Here’s a [Milky Way]!
Aliens, UFOs, who cares?
If you want surprising, then donate to Reimu’s shrine
Something like that is a real scare

[3:24] (Kogasa) Ah! You guys got me again. I can’t fight well
(Sanae) All the threats really were scary. It’ll only get better, I can tell

[3:46] (Kogasa) Anyway, I got this UFO from that girl who’s been making all them
(Reimu) Wait, what? Someone’s producing these? Take us to her
(Kogasa)This way! She’s right there- huh? She disappeared?
(Reimu) Figures
(Marisa) You hear something? Can’t tell what it is…

-Nue enters-

[4:10] (Nue) Hey, congrats you guys. You were the ones to release Hijiri
(Marisa) Hey, it’s a Nue!
(Sanae) An alien?
(Reimu) Of course. Now I see

[4:22] (Nue) So, you guys found me. I’m just surprised you broke the UFOs
Well it’s logical to look inside things like that, I suppose

[4:35] (Marisa) Huh, you don’t look like what I thought you would look like after all
(Reimu) Of course she doesn’t. Nue can change their form as they may wish

[4:46] (Sanae) Wait, so she’s not an alien after all?
(Nue) I hardly ever show my form
Because the most scary thing is something that’s unknown
(Kogasa) I should try that one next time

[4:58] (Marisa) Well, now we’ve seen you so we won’t be scared
That said, you don’t look like too much
(Sanae) Hey, can we get a picture? I want the light just right
To commemorate tonight

[5:09] (Reimu) Sorry, but idiots don’t really get scared
(Nue) Well, there are many kinds of fear
Now, die from the terror of unidentified terrors that come for you here!

-Marisa and Sanae strike poses. Reimu does not-

[5:21] (Marisa) Hey, now you’re talking. I’ll send you to space!
(Sanae) Miracles really can come true!
(Marisa) … Hey Reimu, join in, since you are part of our great team!
(Reimu) I am ignoring you two

[5:35] (Nue) What’s undefined cannot be fought against!
You can’t win without your senses
If you can’t understand what is going after you
Then you’re completely defenseless!

[5:46] (Neutral) What is known is unknown when it is hidden
And discovered when it’s unsealed
What lies behind everything that defies description
When it’s finally revealed?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Returning Home from the Sky

-near a 'certain spot'-

[0:14] (Marisa) Hey guys, I think we’ve arrived. So where are you landing this huge ship?
(Murasa) We need a clear spot, so we’ll have to hover for a bit

-Kanako enters-

[0:28] (Kanako) So Sanae, you’re here. Looks like you disappeared
(Sanae) I sorta got dragged to Makai
We unsealed a Youkai Saint, and had to make a deal
(Byakuren) So you’re a god of the sky
(Kanako) Yes, my name is Kanako no Yasaka, a goddess
So my miko promised you help?
(Byakuren) By chance, could you clear a space here? We need a place to land
And we’d rather not move somewhere else

[0:56] (Kanako) My partner can handle that. She’s wandered off somewhere
(Sanae) Lady Suwako is near. Oh goddess of the mountain, please reveal your presence
(Suwako) Yeah, I heard you. I’m right here

-Suwako enters-

[1:09] So what can we all do for you?
(Murasa) Can you make this place flat?
We can’t land on a hill like that
(Suwako) Yeah, that won’t be a big problem. Come back in an hour
My curse gods need some time to act

-Traveling to the shrine-

[2:04] (Marisa) So, what’d you think, Sanae? It was a pretty fun day
(Sanae) So that’s an incident? It’s fun to investigate

[2:17] (Reimu) Today was a big pain. So what are your plans then?
A flying ship is a handful
(Murasa) We can transform the ship’s hull and make it a building
(Byakuren) I think I’ll set up a temple
It is clear to me that even if Youkai can live here
The attitudes of humans must be changed eventually
With a little of my guidance and a little patience
Then Gensokyo can live in peace

-Sanae, Murasa, Byakuren, Nazrin, Shou, Ichirin and Unzan leave-

[2:44] (Marisa) So now we’ve got more weirdos and a Youkai temple
Just another day, huh Reimu?
(Reimu) Well, a Youkai temple’s good. Everyone will come here
If they’re scared of that they’ll do
(Marisa) Well I can’t be sure about that, but it might just happen
Anyway, I’m heading out. Try not to go hunting Youkai
If you started wiping them out, all the new arrivals
Would probably make sure to come by

-Back on the ship-

[4:05] (Byakuren) Doesn’t it look peaceful, a land filled with Youkai
And humans without open war?
(Shou) This land has come a long way from the things we’re used to
It has become something more
(Byakuren) But there is room for improvement. We will spread the Dharma
Until everyone who wishes for peace can achieve Nirvana
(Murasa) Well I’m on board
(Ichirin) Yes, we agree
(Nazrin) I’ll help out when I can
(Shou) You lead and we’ll go, Byakuren

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind

[0:00] (Byakuren) Namusan, gaze upon Dharma’s light
If you insist on injustice, then we shall fight

[0:14] [Cloudy Way in Purple], the path lies before you
You merely have to embrace it
Attainment of Nirvana is the highest reward
It’s not something to merely get

[0:25] [Magic: Mystic Fragrance of a Makai Butterfly], see?
This is the light of Dharma’s glory
(Sanae) Were you really just a human? It seems impossible
(Byakuren) I’m a Youkai through sorcery

[0:37] (Marisa) Oh, that’s great. So you’re just like Mukou?
Well it doesn’t matter if you are moving too slow! [Blazing Star]!
(Byakuren) Who said I’m moving too slow? Here’s my sutra
(Marisa) Where did she go?
(Reimu) Behind you!
(Byakuren) Yes, this speed is simple
(Sanae) It was like trying to follow Aya

[0:57] (Byakuren) I once made the mistake of hunting down Youkai
I used them out of selfishness
The tears I spent pretending to hunt them for humans
That is my greatest regret
If you’re going to follow suit, I will have to stop you
I will not allow Youkai oppression
Maybe after all this time here, this is now my new path
Being a clear example how Youkai should be affected now
I will teach you three a good lesson

[1:40] [Flying Bowl: Legendary Flying Saucer]
(Marisa) Here I come! Gonna grab all of the treasure!
(Reimu) For Gods sakes! Get back here! Would you stop playing around?
[Dream Sign: Duplex Barrier]!
(Sanae) Ah! … Of course they crashed into her…

[2:07] Excuse me, are you guys alright?
(Reimu) I think so
(Marisa) Where did that big UFO go?
(Reimu) Yeah, she’s fine. Are you good? Marisa is too reckless, she’s always doing this
(Byakuren) Yes. So I lost. Then what comes next?

[2:32] (Reimu) Well I guess you’re coming with us to the ship
They’re causing such a fuss out there, so take charge
(Byakuren) But still I couldn’t help when they were all defeated
How can I go see them?
(Reimu) Go with a smile. It’s not that hard

[2:58] (Sanae) So that’s it? Everything’s a happy ending?
(Reimu) Don’t forget, you made a deal with that girl
(Marisa) You’re gonna get scolded. Well, I guess both your gods will
Still get over it.
(Byakuren) Oh, so you know what gods permit?

-Traveling out of Hokkai-

[3:22] (Nazrin) Hey, you’re back, Hijiri! Shou, they’re over this way
(Shou) Ah, Byakuren. Welcome back
(Byakuren) So you two really came here
(Nazrin) We found the pagoda
And it put us on the right track
(Shou) Come on, Murasa is waiting. Ichirin and Unzan
Will also be happy you’ve returned
(Byakuren) Thank you all for coming for me. So, exterminators
I ask you think on what you’ve learned

[3:46] (Marisa) UFOs aren’t treasure. Yeah, I will remember
(Sanae) She’s only joking. We’ll listen
(Byakuren) Then on another matter, her worldly desires
Are better off abandoned

[3:58] (Reimu) Well if you can, go right for it. But that’s not happening
Patchouli’s been trying for years
Sometimes I think there is nothing but a giant vacuum
For the stuff sitting between her ears

-Traveling to the ship-

[4:10] (Marisa) There’s the ship. Race you all to it
(Byakuren) Well, it’s important to indulge in fun acts for a little bit
(Sanae) That’s the scroll you were using during the duel
(Reimu) Be careful with Marisa. She’ll steal it right away
She does that if she thinks something looks really cool

[4:30] (Byakuren) She cannot use this scroll. These are all my sutras
And they only work for me
So she called it a race. In that case, what’s needed
Is the strength of my full speed

[4:42] (Reimu) For the “saint” that you described to me, she’s really informal
I expected someone more reserved
(Shou) She is friendly to everyone. That’s what makes her saintly
Even after all these years, even after all the pain
And loneliness she has endured

-At the ship-

[5:14] (Murasa) Hijiri! Welcome back! The ship’s been repaired
(Byakuren) So I’ve heard. Are Ichirin and Unzan here?
(Ichirin) Hijiri! You’ve come back. So where are those three humans
That went out to get you?
(Marisa) Hah! Made it first! Wait, you’re right here?

[5:40] (Ichirin) Murasa, Unzan says the silo’s in place
(Murasa) All aboard! The trip back is underway!
The next stop’s Gensokyo. Please, for your safety, proceed
To the decks down below
(Byakuren) A “Gensokyo”? What is that place?

[6:06] (Shou) It’s a place that was sealed away years ago
By that sage, that Youkai named Yakumo
It’s a place where Youkai can disappear from the world and still live near humans
It used to be in Nagano

[6:30] (Byakuren) Youkai and humans there? That is fortunate
Perhaps we can show them a way to make peace
(Shou) So you think there’s hope then?
(Byakuren) It is possible with these spellcard rules and duels
Isn’t it worth a try at least?

[6:55] (Marisa) So it sounds like we’ve got more Youkai moving in
How long until these ones start fights?
(Reimu) This may be good for business, but it’s a pain regardless
Gensokyo’s become a mess
(Sanae) If there soon will be a problem, then we can just stop them!
We are all human heroes after all!
(Reimu) She needs to act more serious, that’s getting annoying
(Sanae) But everything’s so exciting!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Fires of Hokkai

[0:22] (Marisa) So is this a part of Makai? It looks kinda similar
(Reimu) Alright then, come and show yourself. We all know that you are here
(Sanae) I think I see someone coming. This must be that saint’s power
(Byakuren) O, the world of Dharma brightens even at a late hour

[0:33] So are you three the ones who have liberated this world then?
(Reimu) You’re that Youkai’s boss? We came here to bring you back out to them
(Byakuren) So they sent you all to get me. Even when I couldn’t help them
Over a thousand years trapped here. And they want to see me again

[0:43] Still I find it quite surprising that they turned to a miko
Tell me, why is it that you came and got involved in this business?
(Sanae) We’re exterminating Youkai and they asked for our help then
So we all agreed to chip in and lend them some assistance

[0:55] (Marisa) Hey, we’re talking to their boss so you probably should keep quiet
(Byakuren) You’re an oppressor of Youkai. I suppose that is expected
Humans demonize the Youkai but sing praises for the Buddha
Nothing had changed even now then. All Youkai will be protected

[1:06] (Sanae) Youkai and gods differ
(Byakuren) Do you think you are just?
(Marisa) This got complicated
(Reimu) Why’s she with us?

[1:16] (Byakuren) I see. Then as someone who has given up on humans
You three would see me sealed away like them

[1:27] (Reimu) I suppose we came to fight you. But first, the spellcard rules
Things are different out there, so follow them

-Quick explanation-

[2:00] (Byakuren) So I see you have been busy. What a delightful system
Humans cannot be killed outright and Youkai must return them
In exchange, Youkai can’t be sealed away as punishment
So then, what do you do when each side gets into a conflict?

[2:12] (Reimu) I designed a spellcard system to fight others gracefully
(Byakuren) Well if there is any merit, I suppose we will soon see
(Marisa) Well if you’re angling for a fight, it’s a fight you’re gonna get
Sanae-… actually, I guess you haven’t recovered yet

[2:22] (Reimu) We’re the Youkai Exterminators, the ones who fix incidents
(Byakuren) That approach is too one-sided. Your hearts are superficial
In the name of the three treasures, I will correct your outlook
Namusa, Namusa. Let us find tolerance a little

[2:34](Marisa) Well, if you lose then you’re coming with us to see your buddies
(Byakuren) And if I win? It looks like the outcome is the same for me
(Reimu) That’s the way these tend to work out. Now prepare to be beaten
(Byakuren) The justice and world that I seek will never be defeated

[2:45] Cast away your judgment, your greed and selfishness
Embrace the light of Dharma in practice

[2:55] (Marisa) Think I’ll pass. I don’t want to be like all those Satori
Enlightenment’s boring. Give me treasure
(Byakuren) Throw away all your desires. All can ascend higher
There is much more to life than cheap pleasure

The Tiger-Patterned Vaisravana

[0:00] (Shou) Should I ask why you’re afraid?
(Reimu) Marisa is such a pain
What she likes are things that make lasers and explosions
So never let her see that trinket again

[0:14] (Shou) This is no trinket. It is a gift
I’m an avatar of Bishmonten
(Reimu) That’s a major god, but you’re an avatar
So I guess it’s fine if I beat you then

[0:27] (Shou) Bow before Bishmonten’s light!
So it seems that you will fight
I’m surprised, I took you for a form of scholar
But with you here, I suppose we can now free her

[0:40] (Reimu) Alright, who is this person?
You guys keep mentioning her
(Shou) She’s a saint, the one who wants peace for all Youkai
Byakuren Hijiri, our beloved sealed off leader

[1:05] (Reimu) I don’t know much about sainthood, but she’s not a bad guy?
Either way, I guess I should fight since you’re all clearly Youkai

[1:33] (Shou) If you insist on the wrong path, then bear witness to Dharma’s light
This is the power of a fortune god’s servant
It is even brighter in the miasma of Makai

[1:45] [Pagoda: Radiant Treasure]
(Reimu) Why is it always lasers?
Marisa, Patchouli, and everyone I meet
Why is it always laser spamming? I mean, really?

[1:58] (Shou) [Light Sign: Absolute Justice]. They ensure that one won’t miss
And you can’t deny how elegantly they shine
(Reimu) Well I prefer good old fashioned borders, but fine

[2:11] [Dream Sign: Hakurei Barrier]
(Shou) Is this a Miko’s power?
Yes, I see. It’s harder to aim through your borders
Well I suppose a demonstration is now in order

[3:02] (Reimu) [Spirits Sign: Fantasy Seal]! Feel my shrine’s precious treasures!
(Shou) A treasure is a poor match for my ability
I call to all treasures and they all gather by me

-Yin-Yang orbs impact on Shou-
-Marisa, Sanae and Nazrin enter-

[3:18] (Reimu) … That power just makes it worse
(Marisa) Did she just knock herself out?
(Nazrin) Lord Bishmonten will find this amusing
(Marisa) Hey, it looks like the short stuff is finally waking

-Shou recovers-

[3:28] (Shou) How splendid. Now I can see how it is that all you three
Could have come and gathered everything we need
In that case, can we ask you to free Hijiri?

[3:31] (Sanae) You needed those UFOs?
(Reimu) Yes, we will. Definitely
Marisa, you heard her. Just hand them all over
She’s not some sort of bad guy, so let’s set her free

[3:42] (Marisa) Hey, no fair! I won them all
(Reimu) Seriously, you can’t use them
(Marisa) Well they glow, so I can hang them around my house
(Reimu) And then the fairies will just come and take them all again

-Reimu begins unsealing-

[4:06] (Reimu) There. It’s unsealed
(Shou) That’s surprising. This is where she should be
So where is she?
(Reimu) Alright, let’s go in. Are you two coming?

[4:32] (Shou) No, we’ll wait here. Nazrin needs rest
So then you’ll find Hijiri?
(Reimu) Yeah, then I’ll go beat her up for all of this trouble
A whole incident just because you guys were lonely?

-Reimu exits-

[4:46] (Marisa) Don’t worry, she’s just like that
Alright then, where’s that saint at?
(Sanae) Marisa, maybe I should stay and rest a bit
(Marisa) No way, this is the final boss and you can’t miss it!

-Marisa and Sanae exit-

[4:59] (Nazrin) Do you think she’ll be alright?
(Shou) Well, she did endure my light
(Nazrin) No, I meant Hijiri. She doesn’t like fighting
(Shou) Well I guess we’ll see what future the future may bring

-In Hokkai-

[5:11] (Reimu) The air changed again. Is this Makai?
(Sanae) Murasa said it’s “Hokkai”
(Marisa) She said that? I guess I just wasn’t listening
So somebody got mad enough to seal away this whole thing

[6:02] (Neutral) Sealed away, forever lost. What they seek despite the cost
A kind saint who turned away from human selfishness
Will she be freed and meet up with the rest?

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Tiny, Tiny Clever Commander

[0:14] (Nazrin) We meet again. This time I don’t have to retreat to report
It’s a scout’s solemn duty to let others know
I’m with Bishmonten, so this time you guys can’t win
The Little Dowser General, Nazrin now is your foe!

[0:45] It looks like you are having trouble. Is there a problem?
You were much stronger the last time we fought. So then, what’s up?
(Marisa) Her gods are out of reach. So then, your ability
Is to be able to find stuff?

[1:02] (Nazrin) Don’t look down on all the little people or else we’ll trip you
Even Goliath fell to David with one tiny stone
The price of a rare treasure is more than you can measure
You’ll never place the value of something by its image alone

[1:34] (Sanae) David was human and Goliath was his opponent
Don’t look down on somebody who can be seen as a god
2.5 Goddesses are the source of our shrine’s success
(Nazrin) Well let’s see how that power fares against my dowsing rods!

-Sanae splashes Nazrin and herself. Both collapse-

[2:05] (Marisa) Right, I forgot. Everything in Makai’s actually toxic
Sanae, never splash anyone with all that water
(Sanae) Next time tell me something! So, is the battle over?
(Marisa) Yeah, the small fry is out. I guess I better try to carry you and her

[2:24] (Sanae) Hey Marisa, don’t tell me you plan to steal Nazrin’s possessions?
(Marisa) Of course not. It’s not like I won them from her fair and square
Now where did those two go? I can’t see and hold her here
(Sanae) I think I see some flashing lights coming from over there

Provincial Makai City in Esoterica

-ancient city. Nazrin enters-

[0:13] (Nazrin) Hey, you three! So I see you made it here to Makai
(Marisa) Aren’t you the mouse we fought earlier, the small fry?
(Sanae) Didn’t you say the first Youkai never is involved with the incident?

-Nazrin exits-

[0:28] (Marisa) Yeah, I guess this time was different. Go figure
(Reimu) She ran away again. Let’s follow her
(Marisa) Well, it’s not like we have any better leads. Let’s see where she went

-Girls are exploring-

[1:11] (Sanae) So, have you two been to this place previously?
I didn’t expect to see such an old city
(Marisa) Well, “visited” isn’t how I would put it
Reimu, explain

[1:25] (Reimu) *ahem*, we don’t have time for that. Just keep your eyes peeled
Remember, we are looking for an old seal
(Marisa) Well, we could burn down this city to find it just like last time

-More exploring. Nazrin and Shou enter-

[2:52] (Reimu) There she is! It looks like she’s got someone else with her
(Nazrin) Huh? So you guys decided to follow
(Shou) Hmm? So three humans have made it Makai
Where will you go?

[3:05] (Marisa) We’re seeking treasure. So, what are ya holding?
(Nazrin) You’ve got a good eye. This is the Light of Buddha
(Shou) But I will not hand over Bishmonten’s Pagoda

[3:49] (Marisa) Alright then, let’s make this a formal spellcard duel
If I win, I’ll be taking that treasure
(Reimu) No. Sanae needs to challenge that mouse again
Go support her

[4:04] (Marisa) Hey, you could do that since you’re both shrine maidens
(Reimu) I won’t let you steal a laser pagoda
I’m your opponent, so please never wager with Marisa

-Nazrin, Sanae and Marisa exit-

Captain Murasa

[0:00] (Murasa) At attention! Captain on deck! Mutiny will not be tolerated!
(Marisa) That’s the spirit! What’s your gimmick? Must be nice to be a phantom sailor
(Murasa) I capsize ships. That’s no gimmick. Now rig the sails! I’m dropping the anchor!

[0:17] (Marisa) Go Sanae! Blow her away!
(Sanae) Yes, I figured. Behold! [A Wily Toad]!
(Murasa) … Alright, let’s move. There’s no room here. Let’s move out this way
Out into the hold

-in the hold-

[0:30] (Marisa) Hey, so this hold’s filled with the glowing treasure things, that so?
(Murasa) Huh? Oh, the parts from the grain silo?
(Reimu) Well, I guess Marisa won’t bother to collect them anymore-
Wha-? You’re not serious!

[0:41] (Marisa) Hey, ya never know with treasure
(Murasa) Can you two please control her? Although I guess it really doesn’t matter
Alright then, we’ve got some more room. Let’s see what you guys can do
Weren’t you gonna be hunting me?

[0:54] (Sanae) [Snake: Orochi of Ancient Times]!
(Murasa) [Harbor Sign: Phantom Ship Harbor]
So by the way, why did you three fly up here then? Why come aboard?

[1:06] (Marisa) We heard that there was treasure, so this ship’s for the taking
(Reimu) No, we’re here to exterminate Youkai
(Sanae) I thought we were going to unseal the sister of the person
That we met outside

[1:17] (Murasa) Oh, you don’t mean Hijiri? Well that will help us
We don’t know what else we’ll have to do. We thought we’d have to push on through
But if you’re gonna break that seal, it’d help a great deal

[1:42] But still, you three are all stowaways, so here is punishment for that
[Eternally Anchored Ghost Ship]!
(Marisa) Hey, dodge that!
(Murasa) Heh, not bad. Alright, you guys can ride along with us
(Reimu) No way! Just take us back to where we were before

[2:07] (Murasa) Nope, can’t do that. I’m not steering.
This ship’s moving under its own power
And either way, it’s way too late. Can’t you feel it? The ship just crossed over

[2:18] (Reimu) Crossed over what?... Wait, this feeling...
Don’t tell me that we just left Gensokyo?
(Sanae) I think we did. I can’t commune with Lady Kanako or Suwako!

[2:29] (Murasa) Oh, so you had gods giving you the powers that they had?
But now they have left you high and dry~
(Marisa) Don’t worry, we’re different. So where are we now anyways?
(Murasa) We’re now landing in Makai

[2:42] (Reimu) Well, no wonder I feel so bad
(Sanae) We’re in Makai? What is that?
(Marisa) It’s annoying. Reimu, just be careful
(Reimu) Hey, it won’t be like the last time. Everything’s gonna be fine
(Marisa) Well, if you say so
… Be prepared to run

[2:54] (Sanae) So we’re now in a different world?
Then how do we get back to Gensokyo?
(Murasa) We could take you, but you realize that it won’t be free though…

[3:06] (Marisa) Well, I’m sure her gods will help you with whatever you need
(Sanae) Wait, why is today all about me?
(Marisa) Well, I don’t have anything of value and you know Reimu never has any money

[3:18] (Reimu) Hey, that’s partly your fault, isn’t it? How many
Times have you stolen from the shrine and said “I’ll pay you back later”?
(Marisa) Oh, did I do that after all? I don’t remember

[3:43] (Sanae) Well anyways, where is this person who needs to be freed from a seal?
(Murasa) Oh, she’s outside. So do we have a deal?
(Sanae) Yes. My gods will help you with whatever you may need
(Murasa) In that case, come and follow me

Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghost Passenger Ship

-inside the flying ship-

[0:13] (Marisa) Jeez, this ship is much bigger inside.
There are too many places for those gods to hide
(Reimu) There are no gods here. I would feel that
(Marisa) You’re kidding! Then let’s go back!

[0:27] (Reimu) Don’t you dare. You’re staying here to help
Sanae, don’t wander off by yourself
(Sanae) I thought I saw a glowing pale light
It was moving off to the right

-[Light] leaves, characters follow-

[1:27] (Sanae) Was that light a new kind of Youkai?
We should exterminate it better next time
(Marisa) Hey Reimu, I see what you meant earlier
It’s a little creepy when it’s her

[1:40] (Reimu) Sanae, remember all the rules
Try to keep from going bullet-happy
If you do, the Youkai will too
Don’t exterminate wildly

-Murasa enters-

[2:33] (Murasa) Stowaways? That’s really bad for you.
So how did three humans get past those two?
(Marisa) We were hired to do Youkai Hunting
(Murasa) Sorry, but that’s not something we need

[2:46] (Marisa) That’s too bad. Anyway, here’s my card
(Reimu) Why do you have those on you? And who takes them?
(Murasa) Sorry, but you’ll be out of business
When we reach our destination

-Murasa leaves. Girls follow-

[3:47] You’re still here? I told you to get off
(Sanae) I am sorry, but we are all lost
(Murasa) It’s too late. You’re going for a trip
There’s no way to turn around the ship

[4:00] (Marisa) Well if you’re the captain, then there’s one
Sanae, shoot her before she runs
(Murasa) Oh, so you guys want to hunt someone like me
Then here’s justice on the high seas!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl

[0:00] (Ichirin) [A Scolding From a Traditional Old Man]!


[0:28] (Marisa) So, who’s this sister? Where is she now?
(Ichirin) Elsewhere. We’re flying to go free her
(Sanae) So that’s why you need all those treasures. Then we’ll help you free her!
(Reimu) Hold it. We’re looking into this ship now
Don’t get distracted so fast. This person’s not letting us get past

-Marisa is signaling to Sanae-

[1:07] (Ichirin) [King Kraken Strike]! Unzan says you’re changing the wind’s airflow
Tell me, how is it that can be so?
(Sanae) My goddess is one of the skies. That’s how I fly. So then
Here’s proof that miracles really happen!
(Reimu) Marisa, boasting during a fight isn’t something that’s a necessary lesson

[1:31] (Marisa) Hah. “The Miracles that I can’t perform are all thought to be none!”
(Reimu) Ugh. Never say that again. Sanae, there’s no need to listen

[2:09] (Ichirin) [Rage: First and Last of its Kind Scolding Scorch] then!
No way, after all that we still lost?
(Marisa) Alright then, so now you have to let us all in
(Ichirin) Oh wait, you’re going to help us out after all?
My many thanks for your service. You three can wait down there, right past this hall


[2:49] (Sanae) So by the way, who is this Youmu you mentioned?
I don’t think that I’ve met her
(Marisa) She used to help us out before, she’s a gardener

[3:01] (Reimu) It’s better off this way. She’s technically a Youkai
By the way, why are we waiting? We should be searching the other rooms here inside

[3:13] (Sanae) What did that person mean when she said our “service”?
(Marisa) Well, it’s probably nothing much. People always ask for stuff from us