Monday, June 29, 2015

Heian Alien

[0:10] (Nue) Alright, let’s get this thing started. A [Mysterious Snake Show]!
Come one, come all! See the unseen for a time in Gensokyo!
Aren’t all these now a mystery? So, what do I look like now?
(Reimu) An idiot with too many tails
(Nue) Oh, I’ve been found out!

[0:44] Alright then, here comes a pattern, but this one has one small twist!
Can you tell what kind of bullet I’m using after it shifts?
Fill the blanks if you are confused, but it won’t help with this mix
This is tradition from long years, it’s an ancient trick!

[1:10] (Sanae) Can you guys tell what she is using?
(Marisa) They’re all lasers!
(Reimu) No, these ones are moving too slow. They are probably bubbles
(Nue) Yes, that is correct, but what is next? Aren’t you missing someone?
[Blue UFO Invasion of Grief], oh, isn’t this so much fun?

[1:30] (Marisa) Hey, all my stuff! Which one is which? My mini-hakkero!
(Reimu) Hey, just sort it out. But be careful, those might explode

[1:52] (Nue) [Green UFO Invasion of Loyalty], friendly fire!
(Reimu) Sanae, she’s over that way! Get these snakes away from me
(Sanae) Those ones aren’t mine. They are disguised
(Marisa) Hey, I’ve got it! [Master Spark]!
(Nue) Can’t believe you’ve made it this far. One more mystery!

[2:15](Marisa) Looks like her last card. That wasn’t hard
(Reimu) Don’t jinx us right at the end
(Nue) [Rainbow UFO Invasion of Terror], once more again
(Sanae) Hey, is this normal? So many shots…
(Reimu) Some of them aren’t real
They’re just illusions, fire through them! [Spirit Sign: Fantasy Seal]!

[2:37] (Nue) Try hard as you like, much like the night
The unknown comes for all
(Marisa) Oh, at the darkness? I got it. Magic missile coming up!
(Sanae) I don’t get it, but she’s over there? Miracle on its way
(Reimu) That’s the only spot where UFOs don’t fly away

[3:10] (Nue) Can’t believe I lost to you three even after all that sleep
(Sanae) So you came to Gensokyo on a UFO? Amazing!
(Nue) Is there something wrong with her head?
(Marisa) So what to do with you then?
(Reimu) Maybe take her out to Hokkai?
(Nue) Don’t seal me again!

[3:44] (Reimu) Hey, you know I’m only kidding? Youkai can roam free these days
Of course we’re allowed to hunt them
(Nue) So I won’t get sealed away?
Even if I slaughter humans?
(Marisa) No, that one’s against the rules
(Reimu) And that friendly Youkai monk will get mad anyway

[4:10] (Nue) A friendly Youkai monk? Do you mean that Hijiri?
I thought she was a human
(Marisa) Nah, she’s just a magician
(Reimu) She’d help out a Nue, even like you
(Nue) I didn’t know that… oops
(Reimu) What. What did you do?
(Nue) I interfered and scattered all those boards
(Marisa) Well, I guess that they might take revenge. Better go fix that mess
(Nue) I’ll just be discrete
(Reimu) There is no need. I’ll tell them the rest

[4:52] (Sanae) Guys, stop being mean. She’s sorry. Apologize and explain
All those Youkai only want peace, so they’ll listen anyway
(Marisa) No, this is part of the usual. Scare them so they stay in line
(Reimu) Just ignore them. Fix your mess and everything is fine

[5:15] (Nue) Right, I’m going to. Are you sure they won’t really be angry?
(Reimu) No, you’re a Youkai so they’ll give you a free pass. Probably
(Marisa) Just stick to the rules and you’ll be fine. After all, they’re still here
But really, it works. Most Youkai behave if they have a little fear

-Nue exits-

[5:37] (Sanae) That’s not really nice and it’s not right, bullying some people
(Reimu) Hey, it’s better than wiping them out, and sometimes gets things done
(Kogasa) So, fighting makes fear? And a real threat is scarier than an act?
(Marisa) So, you’re interested? Well maybe I’ll introduce you to someone

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