Entering it felt like imposition, but
Seeking refuge from the cold, these three
ignored tales of old
Ignoring what the legend of Tohno told
Soon they would encounter a phantasm and
all its legend may hold
[0:26] (Marisa) Well I think we’re lost.
Are we still in the mountains?
This place just doesn’t feel right
It feels like we’re at the border
Just like the shrine late at night
[0:40] (Reimu) Oh? And how do you know
that feel?
You never come by to stay
(Marisa) Don’t be mad, I was just looking
No one donates anyway
-Chen enters-
[0:53] (Sakuya) Well I really think that
it should have become spring at this time
And yet the winter has persisted and
still stayed
(Chen) Well if there’s trouble, maybe you
should find someone here
And ask a human to share their aid
[1:08] (Sakuya) But you’re not a human
and the only one here
(Chen) That is the truth and I really
wouldn’t help you anyway
So what is your purpose here? Are you
looking for something?
Or is it that you have lost your way?
[1:21] Anyway, the three of you must not
enter this place regardless
(Marisa) “Go further and fare worse” as
the stories always say?
(Reimu) But there are houses here!
Shouldn’t there be people within?
(Chen) Staying here means the end!
[1:35] Well anyways, welcome you three to
(Reimu) When you said “the end”, what was
that supposed to foretell?
(Chen) Once someone has entered, they are
no longer able to leave
(Reimu) Is that so? Then why is it known
so well?
-Chen runs, girls follow-
-Chen runs, girls follow-
[2:09] (Neutral) Chasing the cat through
the village known as a legend
-Chase ends-
-Chase ends-
[2:21] (Reimu) So I heard that items
found inside this village
Can be taken for good luck
(Chen) Yes, it’s true. At least they’re
meant to
But you’re supposed to be stuck
[2:36] (Reimu) I don’t care. Let the
looting start!
Let’s grab everything in sight
(Chen) H-hey! Stop that! If you don’t
Then I’ll beat you in a fight!
[2:48] (Sakuya) In a day like this, you
should go find a warm kotatsu
(Chen) You shouldn’t believe that those
superstitions are true
(Sakuya) (I wasn’t aware that it was a
(Chen) And what are stray cats supposed
to do?
[3:04] (Sakuya) Can’t they sleep forever
at a homeless shelter?
I am sure they’d find their way to
Buddhist Paradise then
(Chen) As if that’s possible! Humans
could never pose a threat!
That scenario will never happen!
[3:17] Now, I think that you three must
have all lost your way
(Marisa) Sorry to say this, but we had no
way before
Even Reimu is lost, and she always heads
out randomly
(Chen) Sounds like you’ll be lost
[3:31] (Reimu) So can you just leave this
place, you’re quite a bother
(Chen) What are you talking about now?
This place is still my home!
(Sakuya)Looks like she’s in our way. Give
me a minute to clean up
(Chen) Don’t go making other’s houses
your own!
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