To see the active wide fairgrounds
To feel the sun o’er heard
Though night shant fall for many hours
The crowd continues to spread
Many stands and stalls stand to stall
Until the masses might hunger
For elephant ears, snowballs and toys
As they wait for one another
There are causes here who spread their
These books three next to me
I took them to shield myself on this
But I may read them someday, we shall see
Though winds blow weakly within these
And sun burns bright above
And I now sweat though it’s not an hour
But this heat will last will the sun’s
Watching these people run and frolic and
I can’t help but envy their drive
I’m sure they would weather any weather
Just to prove to all they’re alive
And the church volunteers scattered all
With bibles in hand to bequeath
Though I may object, they have my respect
To go that far for their own belief
The bubbles fly by, but to my touhou eye
I see only spread danmaku
The mayor has stated the weather has

But I’m not quite sure that’s true
I got some shaved ice, though it has
shown that sink
It happens to all of its type, I think
The color fades down, leaving behind only
And a lack of the flavor’s delight
I certainly hope the rain fear’s
Because with this note here, the problem’s
Because I’m a being of paper and power
I don’t appreciate a light rain shower
The books would get soaked, the ink here
would run
And I would certainly get wet
Overall a large dousing would hardly be
But at least it doesn’t look like rain
The sun has dimmed and faded down
Though only an hour has passed
The cause is the clouds that have crowded
Darkening the field oh so fast
At the first sign of rain, I think I will
And head back home where it’s dry
Though I would delight in seeing light at
Fair weather seems in short supply
Though sprinkles and droplets often drop
I’m surprised to say that I’m mostly dry
With my luck this shade shall pass
So we could enjoy this night on the grass
The time draws near, one more hour to go
I’ve amused myself by wandering to and
To see all to see and learn all to know
As the rate of time seems to slow