Thursday, September 12, 2013

So I was thinking...
Haha, very funny. But anyways, I was thinking: we have quite a few conversations in our head that really should be said publicly in some form. You know, those conversations we simulate in our head when they really could have happened at that time.
"the ones you never bother starting"
... Exactly. But it's not because I'm just lazy or bad with words, you know.
"Isn't it?"
Not completely. It also seems too likely the conversation would derail, leading somewhere pointless or unexpected. Thing is, even if I'm reasonably sure how someone would react or respond, I can't be 100% confident things will go that way. However, I think I've found an alternative.
"I don't follow. Or rather, I do, and I hope I'm wrong"
Nope. We're totally doing this.
"Really. You're not worried about projecting like this? You do realize this is the most involved conversation you've had in _years_, right? Even I, one of your inner voices, have to admit this is _really_ sad."
Hey, as long as it lets me put these thoughts in some semblance of order, that's fine by me. It's worth saying anyways.

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