[0:05] (Reimu) No. This is stupid. I’m
not gonna be party to this crap
(Miko) Have at thee! Hakurei Reimu, I
change you to a fight!
(Reimu) You guys are awful. Are you even trying to hide?
What even happened to those two tanuki
from last time?
[0:24] (Miko?) Heard they got blown up by
the black-white
(Reimu) Of course…
Well, did they tell you what I sent them
out for?
(Miko?) Oh, so an errand? I see where you’re
But you’re too hasty! Let’s make this
[1:00] (Reimu) That’s enough of that.
Now, you listen to me
What I need from you is to go get those 3
If I wait too long, I swear I’ll hunt you
So go tell your boss to get right to it,
[1:35] (Sunny) Did you guys hear what she
said? You heard it, didn’t you?
(Luna) Guys, I think she just declared
(Star) What’d we do?!
[1:49] (Reimu) Geez, this one’s no good.
Why can’t this be just a Danmaku thing?
I don’t know how to raise spirits unless
it’s someone’s doing
So everyone says it’s not everyone at
How will I figure out who’s affected with
[2:44] (Star) ‘Kay, I’ve got a plan. We’ll
ambush her later!
(Luna) No. No! Bad idea! That plan is a
(Star) Guys, come look at this! There’s
an event today
Everyone is out to gather up the faith!
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