Wednesday, September 10, 2014


[0:01] (Yukari) Beyond the borders of everything that you can see
This is my land of Sequestered Fantasy
Before I think of letting the three of you turn and go
I'd like to test the Miko

[0:11] You know that the shrine that you own is a point on the Hakurei Border
And it must always be maintained with great care
As the last of your line, you must show me that it is in good hands
So be on guard and prepare

[0:24] (Reimu) Why do you care? A Youkai's a Youkai
Everything's fine like it is. It's under control
(Marisa) Well, 'cept no one actually donates
And there's always Youkai there, not humans... So...

[0:48] (Yukari) That's a surprise. Can't you drive them away then they come?
Or are you slacking on your duty? Miko chores require discipline
(Reimu) I get by with some requests, it's not that bad!
You're the one who's causing problems anyway, so let's begin

[1:12] (Yukari) Well then, [Barrier: Curse of Dreams and Reality]
There are many things that you must learn, so it would seem
Once more, [Barrier: Balance of Motion and Stillness]
Sometimes you must idle patiently

[1:37] [Sinister Spirits: Double Black Death Butterfly] card
You must learn to keep fighting on, even when it's hard
Like the life you lead, [Boundary of Humans and Youkai]
Coexistence might be worth a try

[2:01] (Reimu) Well, this is really weird. It's like she just
Wants to lecture us on things she thinks that we should know
(Sakuya) No, it seems like she's focusing on you
All those tasks are things that you should do

[2:24] (Marisa) Nah, I don't just give up, so that lesson
About butterfly swarms' meant to remind me that I'm tough
(Yukari) True. You're quite diligent for a human
Just be sure your power's strong enough

[2:47] If you embrace the duty that's held within your blood
Then you have to fight me using everything you've got
Show me all of the power you have, young Hakurei girl
Are you a Miko or not?

[2:59] It's not a matter of "might" or "perhaps", it's one of "will"
Although you're human, you can prevail on skill
You are the one that holds balance here, you know
Keeping peace in Gensokyo

[3:09] (Marisa) You’d think that some weird Youkai wouldn’t make sense
But she’s making some sense here. I’d say that she’s right
(Reimu) Hey, I started the Spellcard System! It’s worked out
perfectly so far in a fight

[3:32] (Yukari) Well as long as you understand what to do
I suppose that’s good enough for me. Time to have some fun with you
(Sakuya) Where did such a carefree Youkai just appear?
(Yukari) Somewhere on the North-East edge, but you’re never make it there

[3:57] One more [Barrier: Boundary of Life and Death] now
This is what it looks like if you three were curious
And then [Yukari’s Arcanum: Danmaku Barrier]
This last card shows that I’m serious

[4:21] (Sakuya) So then was that all? 
(Yukari) Yes, I don’t need to go all out
Against an untrained Miko and two unruly thieves
(Sakuya) Don’t call me a thief 
(Yukari) Though my house is rather empty
It’s worth more than what the shrine receives

[4:44] (Marisa) So, what things do ya got, if you’re sleepin’?
(Yukari) My house if filled with nice things like my bed and pillow
Oh, I suppose children sometimes appear
(Sakuya) You’d better put them back where they go

[5:07] (Reimu) So, that’s enough for now?
You were going to fix all the holes, so that just a waste of time?
(Yukari) No, there were things that you needed to hear
So… shouldn’t you head back to your shrine?

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