Monday, September 8, 2014

Sakura Sakura ~ Japanize Dream

[0:00] (Neutral) At the shrine the later on, five guests came to view flowers in the sky
A vampire and her maid, and the witch with two ghost passing by

[0:26] (Reimu) What are all of you doing? I have to sweep today
The front yard is a mess from all the flowers. Go away
 (Marisa) It’s not like you’ll get visitors, so
Why don’t ya wait until tomorrow?

[0:40] (Reimu) You don’t know that! And that’s why there can’t be Youkai here
People get scared off, so why don’t you disappear
(Yuyuko) But the trees are perfectly blooming because it’s spring!

[1:21] (Neutral) Though the spring had returned
There were things that left people concerned

[1:34] (Reimu) Well then, how about the gardener
helps me clean up the mess this garden’s scattered
(Youmu) I will not, though your regard is nice.
I am flattered

[1:47] (Yuyuko) Speaking of a little help, I have a job for you
The border between here and home is still gone
(Remilia) How did that become a big issue?
(Marisa, Yuyuko, Sakuya) It was Reimu
(Reimu) Oh, come on!

[2:28] Guess we’ll fix this somehow…
(Youmu) There’s someone at the Netherworld now 


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