Friday, September 5, 2014

Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life

[0:00] (Neutral) Deep within the Netherworld, there lies a tree
Who might the corpse sealed underneath its roots be?

[0:26] (Reimu) So what are going to do with the spring that you stole?
(Yuyuko) I’ll break the seal and this tree will bloom with life
(Reimu) Doesn’t a seal mean that you should leave that thing alone?
(Yuyuko) Didn’t you just break up our seal on your own?

[0:51] (Marisa) Are ya sure this tree will flower today?
(Sakuya) It appears withered away
(Yuyuko) That’s a seal that’s anchored to a corpse laid
At the roots, or so they all say

[1:04] I wish to bring that corpse to life
After all, both life and death are my right
(Reimu) And why do you think that’s okay?
Do you even know who’s there anyway?

(Yuyuko) Well I invite death just for fun
So I think it’s fine for that “certain someone”
(Marisa) Wait, there’s a corpse beneath the tree?
(Yuyuko) … I think you lagged behind us too easily

[1:29] Well then, shall we settle with
And unmatched graceful magic display?
Either way, spring will be released today

[1:42] (Sakuya) Either way, I will not leave before I see flowers, rotting princess of a soul
(Yuyuko) I’ll unseal the tree, you dog of the devil!

[2:07] That spring will be mine, I’ll meet who lies within
Prepare yourself now! Let this contest begin!

[2:32] [Losing Hometown: Village of Self-loss – Wandering Soul -]
It seems like your spring’s not under your control
(Marisa) What do you mean, is there something like a magic charm?
(Yuyuko) Supernatural Borders shield you from harm

[2:58] (Sakuya) Don’t be fooled! Why should we trust what she says?
(Marisa) Hey, it works! No need to graze!
(Reimu) Seriously, I don’t think we can trust her!
(Yuyuko) But you see it works for sure

[3:11] Now spare a glance for [Deadly Dance:
Law of Mortality – Bewilderment-]
And if it should catch your eye
[Law of Mortality – Dead Butterfly -]

[3:23] These spellcard duels are much more fun
To show off power without hurting someone
And I don’t have to make you die
[Flower Soul: Swallowtail Butterfly]

[3:36] (Marisa) That’s not hard, these borders let me fly right through your huge-ass spellcards
They’re nothing as long as I have some spring!

[3:48] (Reimu) … Marisa, how much spring do you lose when you put up another border?
(Sakuya) And where does that spring go when you take another blow?

[4:14] (Yuyuko) Thank you for all the spring to release the seal
Now let’s see who the tree’s blossom will reveal!


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