Friday, March 4, 2016

Starry Night of Small Desires

-Girls enter-

[0:54] (Marisa) Hey, something’s weird here
This place doesn’t feel bad
(Reimu) Was my feeling just mistaken?
(Sanae) What was it about that clan?


[2:05] (Neutral) Spirits gathered for a princess
Shining like the stars in the night sky
Gathering, these small desires
Signaling that someone had revived.

[2:17] Sealed away beneath the Dharma
A legend who gathered so much faith
Sealed away for thousands of years
Reborn once more, the legendary saint!

-Miko enters-

[2:31] (Sanae) The Mononobe…
(Miko) Was destroyed
I witnessed it myself
We long opposed each other

In the end, I required their help

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