Thursday, December 31, 2015

Youkai Girl at the Gate

[0:00] (Kyouko) Watch what you say, someone is listening
Say it louder when it's echoing!
Come out and play if you're coming my way
Let's have fun on the first day of Spring!

[0:13] (Marisa) Well, that's okay if you're planning to fight
Come on, we've been doing this all night!

[0:20] (Kyouko) [Echo Sign: Mountain Echo Scramble] is sound
Come on, when you guys talk, you should try to be more loud
Enjoy the clear weather and break out in song
(Youmu) She's like the Prismriver sisters and their big crowds

[0:33] (Kyouko) If you got news, then come and talk about it
I'll spread it round to everyone, so never doubt it
Echo it back and forth
(Marisa) Oh, now I get it
That's why you're being loud

[0:43] (Kyouko) Well of course I am! Did you think I'd turn on my existence?
My [Echo Sign]! This is how I show my feelings with [Power Resonance]!

[0:57] (Sanae) Oh, I see! You're a Yamabiko Youkai, aren't you?
Hey, "Yahoo"!
(Kyouko) I see that you know the game! [Charged Yahoo!]

-Kyouko defeated-

[1:23] Looks like I lose in a formal duel
What do you need? That's part of the rules ~

[1:30] (Reimu) ... Have you seen the ghosts that people are reporting?
(Kyouko) There was a meeting about that issue this morning
Nazrin told us to send you guys to the cemetery
(Marisa) Isn't that the one from the Tengu's Zombie story?

[1:43] (Sanae) I read that one. Doesn't she have no memory?
(Youmu) Ah, I didn't. Could you explain what is a "zombie"?
(Marisa) A corpse that lives and eats the brains of the living people!
(Kyouko) She's out past the temple

[1:55] (Youmu) Someone who is dead, but still alive is an issue for my mistress
Maybe I should look into this matter so she won't worry from this
(Marisa) That's the plan! Though I heard she doesn't remember something
(Kyouko) Also, we heard earlier that someone was fighting

-girls exit-

Welcome to Youkai Temple

-Kyouko enters. Marisa, Reimu, Sanae, and Youmu enter-

[0:30] (Kyouko) Anupadasuttam, Namusam-
(Marisa) Incoming! We're here on business!
(Sanae) Marisa! She was doing her morning duties!
(Youmu) Well, I see she still tends to make a big mess

-Marisa exits-

[0:55] By the way, my name is Youmu Konpaku
(Sanae) My name's Kochiya Sanae
(Youmu) My condolences for working beside these two
(Reimu) Marisa, you're headed the wrong way!

-Reimu exits-

[1:20] (Sanae) They've mentioned you. So you used to join them?
(Youmu) Yes, but 2 years ago I learned a certain lesson
Well, mistress said to come, so I can help this time
(Marisa) So you're not grounded then?
(Reimu) Hey, we passed the Youkai Shrine!

[2:17] (Kyouko) Hey! Good morning! Wait, that's dangerous!
Why are you swinging sharp objects?!
(Youmu) Well, it's fine. Fairies can be quite annoying
(Kyouko) This temple has a strict ban on killing!

[2:42] (Marisa) By the way, can you pipe down? You're pretty loud
(Kyouko) And deny my own existence?
And by the way, attacking's in the liturgy
So challengers, fight if you want to get by me!

[3:06] (Youmu) A fight, of course. Well, it seems nothing's really changed
The things that can't be cut by my swords are next to none!
(Marisa) Hah, I missed that! Well I guess I'll be joining in
I don't mind a challenge! So why don't we have some fun?

Ghost Lead

[0:00] (Yuyuko) [Dance of the Dead Butterflies -Cherry Blossoms]
(Reimu) This again? Move away!
(Marisa) You're kidding! Cards like this are the best to graze!
(Sanae) Hey, come on guys! Which strategy is safe?
(Reimu) Just back off!
(Marisa) No, keep close to shoot at point blank
(Sanae) I'll just stay right here. This part is manageable

[0:35] (Yuyuko) By the way, what are you looking for?
(Marisa) Ghosts are being weird, don'tcha know?
(Reimu) What she means is that there are divine spirits all over
(Yuyuko) Is that so?
[Nether Sign: Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms]
Well if you beat this, I might say what I know
(Marisa) [Master Spark]! Laser-to-face will always win!
(Reimu) Well, looks like we won. So tell me, what are these?

-Youmu enters-

[1:22] (Youmu) Tea's ready
(Yuyuko) Sorry, but I don't know
That has nothing to do with us
(Reimu) Oh come on!
(Youmu) Reimu? Why are you here today?
(Marisa) I can't believe that this trip was just a bust

[1:45] (Yuyuko) Oh, Youmu! Someone will make a revival
There are no secrets behind the new temple

[1:57] (Youmu) ... Alright then, I suppose I should go
(Yuyuko) Don't forget to bring souvenirs!
(Sanae) So do we... Follow her?
(Marisa) Yeah, I guess
(Youmu) Is this why you three came out here?

[2:20] (Yuyuko) Don't forget, the cemetery is the place
(Reimu) Alright, so much for "we don't know anything"...
(Sanae) I'm confused. Is she helping or something else?
(Marisa) Let's just chalk it up to the weirdness of spring

-girls exit-

[2:43] (Yuyuko) ...Yukari, have you woken up yet?
Looks like we've got a small problem...

Night Sakura of Dead Spirits


[0:00] (Sanae) Somehow, I thought this would be harder
Is it alright to come into the Netherworld this way?
(Marisa) Of course. The door is open, ain't it?
(Sanae) Well, it wasn't really. There was space above it
(Reimu) Focus guys

[0:40] Alright, these ghosts are blocking our way. Geez
Let's just start shooting then. I want to finish this today
(Sanae) Can we do that?
(Marisa) Got it! If we can't, blame Reimu!
(Reimu) I don't have to worry, since it's coming from you
(Sanae) You two...

-spirits approach-

[1:33] (Marisa) Reimu, do you see what I see?
Those ghosts that we shot down kinda turned all misty
(Reimu) Yeah, I saw them as well
(Sanae) I think I can sense energy
Coming from the ones that we just shot down
(Marisa) Well, that's just too creepy

-Yuyuko enters-

[2:12] (Reimu) Huh. Let's go beat up these ghosts' boss
(Sanae) Of course you would say that
(Yuyuko) Do we have visitors? Wait right here, I'll go and prepare a pot of tea

-Yuyuko exits-

[2:26] (Sanae) Who's that? She's not like the others
(Marisa) That's cuz she's a phantom. Just think of her as a ghost lady

-Yuyuko enters-

[3:05] (Yuyuko) Alright, you three can now come in
(Reimu) We're just here on business
(Sanae) We need information
(Reimu) So, what are you planning?
(Yuyuko) Who knows? Why don't we duel for it?
(Sanae) Of course it comes to that
(Marisa) Alright, that's the spirit!

Spirit of Avarice

-Sanae enters-

[0:07] (Marisa) Oh, hey there Sanae! What brings you out this way?
(Sanae) Have you seen the spirits that are forming today?

[0:34] (Reimu) So that's what the news was
Hey, didn't this happen a few years back?
(Marisa) I was thinking of the incident before that
We should go check
(Sanae) Where are we going to?
(Marisa) The Netherworld portal
(Sanae) The Netherworld?!
(Marisa) Oh, don't be a baby
(Reimu) It's not such a big deal
Come on, let's go

-on the way-

[0:46] I've got a bad feeling
(Marisa) Yeah, I'm getting one too
Since they're all ghosts
(Sanae) Have you done this before?
(Marisa) Well, I wouldn't say that
The ghosts are new
(Sanae) No, I mean the portal
(Reimu) Oh, that part is easy
It's still open
And Yukari never fixed it after that mess
We can go through

-Youkai Mountain-

[1:14] (Reimu) Why'd we do this at night? The mountain is freezing!
(Marisa) Your fault, armpits
Why don't you two dress more warmly for this weather?
That would do it
(Reimu) It's not just the weather. The spirits aren't helping
(Sanae) I'm doing fine
(Reimu) Anyway, hurry up. Let's finish this quickly
Don't fall behind

Friday, December 11, 2015

Wind God Girl (Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red)

[0:20] (Bunbunmaru) Special Reveal! The Giant Shadow that many have Seen!
Revealed at last: Hisou Tensoku, the giant of steam!
Brought to you by the Moriya Shrine and Genbu Kappa
Here’s some remarks from the miko, Sanae Kochiya!

[0:43] (Sanae) Moriya Shrine apologizes for the disturbance that we’ve caused today
Please be assured that there’s no danger in any way
The robot is like a balloon, and it cannot move from its place on Youkai Mountain
(Aya) Alright then, let’s hear from the Goddess of the Wind!

[1:22] Now Miss Kanako Yakasa: Why is there a giant robot near Moriya?
(Kanako) This is a quick preview of all the things that we can do
We plan to let Gensokyo grow anew

[1:46] (Aya) As residents like me must confess, I don’t think that I really understand
(Kanako) An example of many changes that my partner and I have currently planned
The construct you see behind me is powered by steam and can be moved by anyone
Science and magic can now become like one

[2:11] (Suwako) In layman’s terms, what she wants to do is modernize all of Gensokyo soon
We plan to start by bringing power to everyone
(Aya) Is that course wise? Some people would say that power for all is too dangerous
And there are still some rumors about that Hell Raven with the power of the sun
(Kanako) Oh, I see. That’s not what we mean. We meant things like steam and indoor electricity
It’s time Gensokyo could grasp technology!

-Later at the Moriya Shrine-

[3:28] (Kanako) I think that went well. Now everyone can tell that we mean serious business
(Sanae) That was a disaster. Someone will accuse us of starting an incident

[3:40] (Suwako) Hey, don’t worry. Some people have seen that all of this steam doesn’t hurt a fly
I order you to cheer up at once and enjoy yourself
(Sanae) I promise that I’ll try
(Kanako) All this faith… it seems that Tengu has sent out the news, and her paper’s hardly alone
(Utsuho) Unyu?
(Kanako) And for the last time, you should go home!

-page 2-

[4:04] (Bunbunmaru) –And now we have a missing Youkai: The Hell Raven who responds to “Okyuu”
She was last seen near Youkai Mountain a week ago
Her friend “Orin”, a Hellcat Kasha, has something to say about her missing
“If you see her, tell her to head down. It’s better that way, because Okyuu is slow.
Either that, or just send her to the Hakurei Shrine and get Reimu to contact me
Tell her that this is an order from Satori!”


[5:34] (Kanako) … So, Sanae, I just realized you should go and visit Reimu
And while you’re out, you should probably take Okyuu too
(Suwako) Kanako’s too scared to go out You’re in trouble now
(Sanae) I suppose I can go solve this
Come on Utsuho, let’s go already
(Utsuho) Unyuu?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Illusionary Sputnik Night

-Marisa’s house-

[0:00] (Aya) Marisa! I got those pictures that you wanted
Problem is, I lost some from an accident
(Marisa) Oh well, that is good enough. Let’s see what you got then
I’ll take any pictures that I think would fit in

[0:14] (Aya) Not so fast. So how did my page turn out then?
(Marisa) Why, is there something that you wanted to add?
(Aya) I just thought if you could mention my reporting
Then I’m sure a loyal ally would be so glad

[0:27] (Marisa) So, who’ll be reading it then?

-Aya is explaining-

[0:44] (Aya) There’s an event soon for all the Tengu
We fight to top each other’s papers
So, someone could sell my image

[0:57] (Marisa) Oh, I get it! What should I say?
(Aya) I shouldn’t write the praise myself
(Marisa) Whatever, I got it ~ze!
So, did you come for anything else?

[1:11] (Aya) No, that should be good enough
That Oni’s complaining again
Just make it sound impressive
Oh, you should add the Kappa in

-Girls are editing-

[1:52] (Marisa) Alright, I’ll finish that up

[2:22] So, you’ll print copies for me?
(Aya) A few sets should be easy
How many will you need then?
(Marisa) I guess I can make do with only 3

[2:35] (Aya) Only 3? Who are they for?
(Marisa) One of them is for Akyuu…
I’ll sneak one by Patchouli…
The final one’s for Kosuzu!

[2:49] (Aya) A copy might be misplaced
Who knows which Tengu might find it?
(Marisa) That’s fine, as long as the rest
End up where they would spread the best

[3:02] (Neutral) That was how the #2 commended Aya on her speed
She claimed “She does a good job”, her pace is “extraordinary

The Youkai Mountain ~ Mysterious Mountain

-At Youkai Mountain-

[0:17] (Aya) Looks like you got some poor lighting
Looks like a flash would have helped there
Well, that’s what happens when you take a photo without care
(Hatate) Well, look who’s talking! You’re too far
You can’t focus on where they are
What, can’t you zoom in closer? My power did it there

-Tenshi enters, Iku enters-

[0:34] (Iku) Found you! Eldest Daughter, stop it right there!
(Tenshi) Iku!
You’ll have to defeat me first, you know!
(Aya) Right there! Sanae’s not centered at all!
(Hatate) So what?
(Aya) Are you gonna comment on her hair?

[0:50] (Iku) So be it!
(Tenshi) Wah, Iku’s really mad, but isn’t it so sad that she can’t hit me from over there?
(Hatate) Well, maybe I will do a piece on that!
(Aya) What, after commenting on what she may wear?
(Iku) Oh, I won’t move all too far. After all you’re in range of my attack, isn’t that right?
(Tenshi)… ah, I forgot about that
(Aya) Here, just look at mine
(Hatate) Wait a second, do you see that light?-

-Tenshi, Aya and Hatate are shocked-
-Iku and Tenshi exit-

[1:31] (Aya) Well, looks like those two flew the coop
(Hatate) Come on! Why won’t this thing reboot?!
(Aya) Oh, do you mean to tell me you lost your “technology”?
(Hatate) I didn’t save them to a disk!
(Aya) Well, I guess that means this is it
Look here and weep, for I am the best reporter today

[1:49] (Hatate) It’s blank.
(Aya) Wait, it is the next one
(Hatate) That too…
(Aya) Really? This one?
(Hatate) There’s nothing right there to see!
Looks like your roll got exposed to the light
(Aya) No way!
Come on, you’ve got to be kidding me!

[2:04] Well then, I guess the contest will be best
To settle who is the better reporter, wouldn’t you say?
(Hatate) Yes, that works out perfectly in the end
After all, no one’s out to see it today
So then, don’t go out of print before then, since I plan to beat you officially
(Aya) Hah, it seems that you didn’t learn anything about what makes a proper story!

Bell of Avicii ~ Infinite Nightmare

-By the Sanzu-

[0:00] (Hatate) Gee, an empty river. Is this supposed to frighten me?
I think that you’re losing it
(Aya) Just… wait and see
(Eiki) Oh, so someone has come on their own
Shall I give you judgment?
(Hatate) It’s that Yama! What’s she doing here?
So that’s what you meant?

[0:31] (Eiki) So, I see your purpose is from rivalry
Both of you have too much pride!
Shall I sentence you to burn your work eternally?
(Aya) You lose if you try to hide!

[0:42] The best picture decides the match and
best reporter! So do you have the guts?
(Hatate) This is child’s play! I’ll get the best shot, so just give up!
(Eiki) Add envy to that! You’ll be forced to read each other’s work
(Aya) She’s being serious
In that case, I must go all out right here
So then, get clear!

-Eiki corners Aya-

[1:55] (Hatate) Look out Aya!
(Eiki) Let me make this clear, Shameimaru
We spoke of this last time
Causing incidents intentionally is a major crime
(Aya) Just get a picture! I’ll bear it for a reporter win
I’ve heard all of my sins
(Hatate) … At least you should know, I respected you
Hands off the Tengu!

-Tengu are fighting Eiki-

[2:56] (Hatate) I got mine!
(Aya) It’s time we both get out of here
(Eiki) You can’t run from all your sins!
(Hatate) Don’t look down on us!
(Aya) You should know that the Crow Tengu
Are all as swift as the wind!

-Aya and Hatate exit-

[3:07] (Eiki) Solid teamwork. Perhaps they will learn some tolerance
But it’s still a problem
After all, it’s time their competition happens to commence

-With Aya and Hatate-

[3:19] (Hatate) Did we get away?
(Aya) I think so. Also, thanks for the save
(Hatate) Of course that’s what I’d do
If I took the shot of the Yama there, it’s be of you!

[3:56] Please tell me that’s it for your subjects
(Aya) What, don’t tell me you’re tired from that
(Hatate) Says the one who’s “starting incidents”
Now I get why your stories are fresh

[4:19] Let’s settle this! It’s time to show off who’s the winner
And better reporter
(Aya) So eager to fall. Very well, let’s go back to our start point
(Hatate) Sure you don’t need to go home to develop your “photos”?
All mine are digital
(Aya) Don’t look down on film. I can view them here inside their roll!

Nemesis Stronghold

-Outside the Myouren temple-

[0:35] (Aya) Well this is the big leagues ahead now
So are you sure you don’t want to go back home now?
(Hatate) There is no reason to
(Aya) Is that so? Well, long ago this monk killed a lot of old Youkai
You don’t need to lose your life for news

[1:03] (Hatate) There’s no way you’ll scare me off
I won’t be scared of some old monk who’s still human
(Kyouko) Oh, visitors? Go in


[1:15] (Hatate) A Youkai? So then it’s safe
(Aya) Of course. Didn’t you know I was joking?
The monk is a Youkai… or something


[1:59] (Hatate) Okay, that monk’s weird. But seriously
I’ve yet to see something I’d take seriously
(Aya) I hoped to spare you, but…
There’s no choice. Let’s go see her
Will you stick with it? I may wonder
If you ever will learn when you should give up

[2:25] (Hatate) Pathetic. You won’t scare me. The “Threats” of today
Ended up to be empty
(Aya) Oh, trust me. This one’s real
(Hatate) Sure it is. I’ll call your bluff. Let’s go to your source, that is enough
(Aya) Well, we’ll go if that is how you feel

Youkai Modern Colony

[0:20] (Aya) Come on, it’s only some water here
Don’t tell me you give up now, it’s just a tiny swim
(Hatate) That’s why my power’s better. I can take pictures without going all the way in

-With the Kappa-

[0:33] (Aya) Aya. I’m here to see Nitori
(Kappa) And her?
(Aya) My assistant. She’ll be coming with me
(Hatate) Assistant! As if! I will be coming in to get my hands on her new story


[0:46] (Nitori) Aya. Come in!... I don’t think I’ve seen you before
(Aya) Just ignore her. So then, you invited me here for a tour?

[1:00] (Nitori) Oh, right. This way. By the way, do you want a snack?
(Hatate) Well, if you don’t mind, yes
(Nitori) Alright then, I will be right back

[1:12] (Aya) You’re too naïve.
(Hatate) Unlike you, the Kappa’s polite
(Aya) Only after you pay
(Hatate) Wait a second…
(Nitori) Well, Aya’s right

[2:17] (Aya) So, what’s this then?
(Nitori) Oh, my secret weapon. Don’t ask
By the way, I noticed that your phone needs a new case and screen glass
(Hatate) For a price, right?
(Nitori) Naturally, there will be a fee
But with my new upgrades, you will never have to worry!

[2:44] (Hatate) Well, you can see how the future grows as we speak
Tell me Aya, when will you trade in that worthless antique?

The Mystery in Your Town

-In Human Village-

[0:00] (Aya) Huh. You’re late. Don’t tell me you got lost on the way down here?
(Hatate) Don’t get too cocky. Humans aren’t worth the time you know

[0:14] (Aya) Oh really? As expected of a novice reporter
There’s always something to see with humans in Gensokyo

[0:26] Oh hello there, Sanae Kochiya!
I was by your shrine earlier!

-Sanae enters-

[0:33] (Sanae) Hello! Please tell me something hasn’t happened again
(Aya) No, no, just stopped by for a quick picture-taking
(Sanae) Alright, so I guess you’re here for something similar
Oh, and who is this?

[0:45] (Aya) This is-
(Hatate) Hatate Himekaidou, Aya’s better
(Aya) What’s that? Don’t you know you should defer to your seniors?
(Hatate) Nope. So I’ll be taking a picture too

-Hatate pulls out cellphone-

[1:11] (Sanae) What’s that? It’s been a while since I saw modern cell phones!
(Hatate) This is the future that some people cannot embrace
(Aya) More like a tool for those who don’t know their place

-after pictures-

[1:39] (Hatate) Point for me. The age of physical photos is over
You should trade that box in before you go under, Aya

[1:50] (Aya) Not so fast. The quality of the shutter’s important
Your lazy power means your stories are you biggest flaw!

[2:03] (Hatate) Hah, stories are also so meaningless
A picture is all that’s needed!
(Aya) Nonsense! The purpose of articles is to describe!
It’s with language that a story’s story will thrive
(Hatate) As if. Words are only for space and looks

[2:23] (Aya) It’s sad, the level of your delusions and fancies
(Hatate) Not bad. You bored me, and it wasn’t even wordy
(Aya) Well then, I suppose that is that. Let’s go

-headed to Youkai mountain-

[2:50] (Hatate) So, what? You’ve given up and headed home already?
(Aya) Of course not. I have an appointment up on the mountain
Oh, right. Is that piece of junk waterproof?

[3:15] (Hatate) You don’t mean…
(Aya) The Kappa are underwater, of course
This baby’s waterproof and the sides are reinforced
Cheap plastic won’t get you far if you’re shooting in the field
If you ask nicely, I’m sure I can get you a deal


-Near  Youkai Mountain-

[0:07] (Aya) That’s it for Marisa. Better put these away
And this roll right here’s for everyone else out today!

[0:12] Time to find some subjects. So who might be shooting?
Well, besides me of course. That’s what I’m always doing

-snaps pictures-
-Hatate enters-

[0:28] Augh, what’s with this picture? Did I set the brightness
too high for Marisa? Better lower it
(Hatate) That’s as far as you go! Since I made it out here
(Aya) Hey, aren’t you that one… huh, I guess I forget

[0:40] (Hatate) Well for your info, I’m from the Kakashi Report
(Aya) Oh, that delusional puny column?
(Hatate) Puny newspaper? That arrogance ends today!
I declare war on you! I’ll make you pay!

-Both exit-

[1:24] (Aya) Oh, so you’re still around? I thought you went back home
(Hatate) It’s a serious challenge! I’m gathering material
(Aya) You just realized that now? That’s part of reporting
(Hatate) Your subjects are good, but your content’s horrible!

[1:30] (Aya) Stealing my subjects? I can’t let that
Happen. Go find other Youkai!
(Hatate) They’re free to take. So the best shots
Well prove the best reporter is I!

[1:47] (Aya) Hmph, Fledgling! Watch my photography and be awed!
(Hatate) I’ll eat your newspaper and win this year!
(Aya) You’re too young to do it. I guess it can’t be helped
I’ll go all out now and crush you right here!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

They Need a Leader (A Touhou parody of "I Need a Hero" by Bonnie Tyler ft Miko Toyosatomimi)

Where have all the statesmen gone and where are all the kings?
Where’s the wizened councilor who’s waiting in the wings?
Common folk are useless when it comes to self rule
There’s nothing more dangerous than following a ruler who’s a fool!

They need a leader! They need a leader to guide them through the day and the night
Someone who is cool, and someone who will last, and someone who can handle a fight
They need a leader! They need a good leader to tell them wrong from right
Someone who is just and someone who can lead and someone who has eternal life!
Eternal life…

I will take the reins and rule until I’m overthrown
That will be a clear sign that society can rule on their own
I’m not too invested if they can save themselves
I’ll be an administrator only if there’s no one else

They need a leader. They need a strong leader to save them from Youkai
Though the race lives on, though their heroes are strong, it’s not enough for those who can’t fight
A human leader may be enough if they can protect those with their might
But if there’s no one, then I guess my mission is to get someone to step up, right?

They need a leader! They need a strong leader to guide them through the night

The Tao is the path to the truth, nothing more. Good and evil come equally
I was Buddhist only as long as it could serve me
I could choose to rule people again
But I’m no teacher
I don’t need new disciples like some others

They need a leader! They need a leader to guide them through the day and the night
Someone who is cool, and someone who will last, and someone who can handle a fight
They need a leader! They need a good leader to tell them wrong from right
Someone who is just and someone who can lead and someone who has eternal life!

They need a leader! They need a strong leader to save them from Youkai
Though the race lives on, though their heroes are strong, it’s not enough for those who can’t fight
A human leader may be enough if they can protect those with their might
But if there’s no one, then I guess my mission is to get someone to step up, right?

They need a leader. A leader is needed to safeguard human life…

Style (A Touhou Parody of "Style" by Taylor Swift, ft Reimu and Marisa)

(Marisa) Reimu! Borrowed this from Kourin, it’s new!
(Reimu) I told you that stuff doesn’t interest me. Don’t care
(Marisa) But it says that you can judge people by what clothes they wear
(Reimu) Well, if what that says is true, then what
Do all the clothes that they all wear say?
Let’s take a look at Sanae…

She’s got that Outside Shrine Maiden uniform
(Marisa) I don’t get how you guys can wear that and keep warm
At least that the sleeves cut off seems to be a real norm
I guess that is a “Good Girl” style
That is from her “Good Girl” style

She’s got that Frog-Dress, Eye-Hat, and long sleeve shirt
And she’s got a mirror and ropes above her long skirt
(Reimu) I’d say it’s an act just for faith, but it couldn’t hurt
That is the Moriya Shrine style
(Marisa) It’s part of a weird shrine style

(Reimu) Maybe so, but let’s look all over Gensokyo
Look at those on the mountain, what about their clothes?
(Marisa) Okay, I guess that next we’ll look at the Kappa and the Crow Tengu…
Give me a few…
I guess we’ll start here with Nitori
She wears the same outfit daily
And then the Crow Tengu’s designs…

Well she’s got a backpack, wisp hat and pocket-dress
It’s blue and has a criss-cross key over her chest
With waders even though the Kappa swim the best
What in the world is that style? I guess it’s the kappa style

They’ve both got dress shirts, short skirts, and a tokin
One clicks a shutter, the other flips up a screen
They both wear geta, but still have the fastest flight speed
What’s up with that tengu style? A business-look tengu style?

(Reimu) Alright, who’s next?
(Marisa) Ooh! Let’s do them! The SDM!

They’ve got a French maid, jamies, and Chinese dress
Don’t get me started with Flandre’s wings and the rest
And Remi wears pink because when she eats, it’s mess
(Reimu) What in the hell’s with their style? You can’t read them by their style!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Animals (A Touhou Parody of "Animals" By Maroon 5, ft Dance of Bird and Beast and the Youkai Grassroots Community)

Baby, we’re playing for you tonight
Gonna sing with all our might
Cuz we’re animals, animals, we’re animals, mals
Even if you’re staying inside
You can hear our sound for miles
Cuz we’re animals, animals, we’re animals, mals
Baby I’m-

(Mystia) So here’s the Dance of Bird and Beast
It doesn’t matter with enemies
But we get along when we’re all in tune~
(Wakasagihime) But you tried to bite into me
(Kagerou) It was a big mistake! Sorry!
(Kyouko) It doesn’t matter when we are all through

(Ran) We got permission from Yukari
(Chen) We got to play here at this party
(Aya) It’s a scoop, but it’s too noisy
(Hatate) Why did you think this would help me?
(Aya) I didn’t think they’d make so much sound
But look, photo-ops all around!
Don’t you think that’s more interesting?
(Hatate) Uh, no…

Baby, we’re playing for you tonight
We’ll play Punk Rock Sound for life
Cuz we’re animals, animals, just animals, mals
Sweeping the steps in front of shrines
Getting chased around for miles
We’re just animals, animals, we’re animals, mals
One more time!

(Kyouko) A Dharma chant is not enough
It just feels like I’m in a rut
I wanna do what I wanna do~
(Mystia) My lamprey eel is eaten up
But still that ghost is never stuffed
And all she does is eat all my food~

Do you know how hard that is for me?
It’d be easier by the sea
“Why don’t you make Yakitori?
I’m sure it would be so tasty”
(Kyouko) And people complain about my sound
When I do my thing, it bounces round
It makes sutras sound more hardy
But no-

Baby, we’re praying for you tonight
Feed you my sparrow rice wine
Cuz we’re animals, animals, just animals, mals
It makes your body feel so light
Makes you sing and dance all night
Just like animals, animals, like animals, mals
Baby I’m-

Sing songs all night, i-i-ight
You can’t deny-y-y-y
That this sounds right-i-i-ight
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Echoes of mine-i-i-ine
Are by design-i-i-ign
For beasts outside-i-i-ide
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Just like animals, animals, like animals-mals
Just like animals (yeah...), animals (yeah...), like animals-mals (yeah...)

Baby, we’re playing for you tonight
We’ll play Punk Rock Sound for life
Cuz we’re animals, animals, just animals, mals
Sweeping the steps in front of shrines
Getting chased around for miles
We’re just animals, animals, we’re animals, mals
One more time!

Sing songs all night, i-i-ight
You can’t deny-y-y-y
That this sounds right-i-i-ight
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Echoes of mine-i-i-ine
Are by design-i-i-ign
For beasts outside-i-i-ide
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Monday, September 21, 2015

Part of This World (A Touhou Parody of "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid, ft. Maribel and Renko)

“Hurry Merry! Come look at this!
A Miracle Mallet that can’t exist
Does it work when you swing it? Wait, is says ‘For Inchlings’.”
“We should go back. Something feels weird.
Oh wait, but of course the door’s disappeared.”
“Well that’s that. Let’s keep going. It’s time for some exploring

Is this a museum or an art gallery?
There are pictures and pieces galore!”
“And boundaries. I count 20.”
“Well who cares? No big deal. Let’s explore!

Look at this stuff, it’s all mythical!
Gubraithian Fire? ‘This is everlasting’!”
“It says ‘The Torch of Olympia’.”
“Does it? Neat!”

“Hey look at this, I can see the stars!
So then Renko, do your date and time thing.”
“I don’t think I can. It’s… well, incomplete.”
“Looking mirrors?” “A magic wand!
‘Varumastra’? Hey, what does that mean?”
“How should I know?” “Well, isn’t this part of your dream?

Hey, um, Merry? This says this is the Kusanagi.
Then that means these places are for the other two…
If they’re empty, then could it be that everything here’s a real treasure?”
“Impossible… but I don’t know. Can it be true?”

“And Totsuka, Orna, they’re all famous swords.
Caliburn… that’s from the Arthur Legend.”
“Ignore that Renko. The hallway here’s full of spears.
It’s Longinus.” “That one from Rome?”
“Oh no! Let’s escape! We’re not alone!”
“So it’s Merry. One day you’ll be part of this world.”

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A Huge Shadow and a Tiny Conclusion

-In the bamboo forest-

[0:36] (Mukou) So, did you hear about “Hisou Tensoku”
(Kaguya) Oh, that shadow that scared some people back then?
(Mukou) Turns out it’s a big advertisement for
That big shrine for the lake up on the mountain

-At the shrine-

[1:20] (Alice) So then I heard from the firefly Youkai
There is a giant in the woods
(Reimu) I get that, but why are you testing here?
(Alice) The shrine’s ground is more clear

[1:36] (Reimu) I don’t care! If you’re moving a big doll here
People think I’m copying!
Sanae and her goddesses have that
Hisou Tensoku thing

-in the Netherworld-

[1:52] (Yukari) All aboard!
(Yuyuko) Oh, did you get a new train?
(Yukari) Well, of course! Since we now use steam!
Making do with stolen power was hard
And this way, Gensokyo remains clean

[2:08] (Yuyuko) I don’t know. It looks like it’s all hot air
(Yukari) This baby can get anywhere!
(Yuyuko) In that case, let’s go get some eel for lunch
We should hurry, before the big dinner rush!

-In the Youkai forest-

[2:24] (Mystia) What is that? A light? It’s growing bigger and brighter and-
(Yukari) Now the final stop! Eel Stand!

-By Misty Lake-

[3:01] (Nue) Hey, what’s up? You’re looking down, Ice Fairy
(Cirno) I can’t find a Daidarabotchi
(Nue) Oh, something new? Is it somewhere hidden then?
(Cirno) If I tame it, nothing’ll scare me!

[3:15] (Nue) So, are they somewhere here in Gensokyo?
(Cirno) I saw one, but it ran far away
(Nue) Well I heard that you can exit Gensokyo
If you can find the proper place

[3:29] (Cirno) As expected of me! I scared Daidarabotchi!
That means I don’t have to be scared of anything then!
(Nue) Well anyway, I should go. We think there’ll be trouble
I was looking for a place to get hold of an old friend

-Kogasa enters-

[3:58] (Cirno) I’m the best!
(Kogasa) Boo! I’m here to steal your soul!
(Cirno) Ahh! And umbrella?! Back off, or else!
(Kogaga) Oh, really? What kind of monster would do that?
You will have to defend herself!

-Mystia enters-

[4:13] (Mystia) Everyone! You’ve got to run! It’s coming!
(Yuyuko) Please come back! I want eat an eel snack!
(Youmu) I’m sure we could catch her without the train
(Yukari) Blasphemy! Steampunk all the way!

[4:27] (Neutral) Gensokyo, a land beyond all common sense
Where both fantasy and dreams change what she saw
What’s a big shadow and things still unknown
Have in common? Unthinkable Natural Law!

Our Hisou Tensoku

-At the Moriya Shrine-

[0:15] (Sanae) So, what have we all learned today?
(Suwako) Oh come on, lighten up Sanae!
(Sanae) We were told not to cause big trouble again
Or else we’d get kicked off of the mountain

[0:25] (Suwako) Hey Kanako, help me out here!
(Kanako) Maybe I won’t. This is too much fun
(Suwako) Okay, who do you think built all of that?
We needed to get help from someone

[0:37] (Kanako) Alright, the Kappa helped us out
So the Tengu don’t have a problem
(Sanae) So that means you asked first?
And I guess it’s the same for that Hell Raven?

[0:54] (Suwako) Well, uh… not exactly
(Kanako) Hey, she came up with me
And was asking about the Yagarasu
Since I fed it to her, I thought she should owe me
So I gave her something only she could do
(Sanae) Won’t that one Satori learn that she’s missing?
(Kanako) I figured that she would go home herself
(Utsuho) I don’t know where it is. Orin’s better at that
(Sanae) What do we do with her?
(Suwako) This raven’s something else

-In the Youkai Forest-

[1:30] (Cirno) And I found this giant Youkai!
(Wriggle) Ooh, was it a Daidarabotchi?
(Cirno) No, this one wasn’t big enough
Anyway, it tried to attack me!

[1:42] (Rumia) Well, did you freeze it after that?
(Cirno) No, the stupid thing just wouldn’t give up
I know I would have beaten it anyway
But that big thing was actually tough

[1:52] (Daiyousei) So then, what did that thing look like?
(Cirno) It had these giant claws that looked like swords!
(Mystia) That’s scary! Where is it?
(Cirno) I fought it out in the forest!

[2:09] (Mystia) I’m not going in there! It could be anywhere!
(Cirno) Good idea. Someone like you’d lose instantly
(Wriggle) Well, I’ll try to find it. We should warn everyone
In the forest that that thing’s running free

[2:21] I’ll go tell Marisa and the doll magician
Daiyousei, can you tell Reimu at the shrine?
(Cirno) Come on guys, I’ll beat it the next time I see it
It is just a weakling! Everything will be fine

-At the SDM-

[3:01] (Patchouli) “The Legend of the Scarlet Wall”? What is the gatekeeper up to with this?
(Sakuya) Well, I should bring her in
(Patchouli) “Feel the Strength of my Taichi Fist!”?

-Marisa enters-

[3:18] She’s been reading too much manga in her spare time
Though I’m loathe to do so, I’ll dispose of them
(Marisa) Well in that case, I’ll be taking them off your hands!
(Reimu) Marisa, get back here!
(Alice) Oh no, not again

-inside the SDM. Marisa enters-

[3:30] (Remilia) Well hello, Marisa. Where are you going?
(Marisa) Off to steal the manga Patchy doesn’t want!
(Remilia) No, I don’t think you will. I’m not finished with them
You will not get past me
(Marisa) Oh year? Bring it on then!

-Reimu and Alice enter. Sakuya, Patchouli, Flandre and Meiling enter-

[3:44] (Reimu) Marisa, you’re cornered! Stand aside, vampire!
(Remilia) I think not. This time, she has gone too far
(Alice) Further than ice fairies? Because that was a mess
(Marisa) Well, you’re all to slow… so eat my [Blazing Star]!
(Remilia) Sakuya, after her!
(Sakuya) Flandre, please watch Meiling
(Patchouli) Idiots. Don’t disturb me in the library
(Remilia) I’m afraid it’s too late. You have drawn a bad fate
Marisa turned rightward, so they’re fighting there, Patchy.
