Friday, September 11, 2015

The Eternal Steam Engine


[0:15] (Yukari) See? I told you everything would be fine
And I'm busy like it is peacetime!
(Yuyuko) I guess that's true. So I shouldn't send Youmu
To cut Hisou Tensoku?

[0:30] (Yukari) Oh, did you think that was a real problem?
(Yuyuko) Maybe so. It's still an unknown 
(Yukari) Sufficiently Advanced Technology is
The same as magic, so...

[0:44] (Yuyuko) So, do you think steam is a new type of magic then?
(Yukari) Well, it's the start of the age of kinetic engines
I was a bit worried we'd skip straight to nuclear 
After all, there are still other types of power 

[0:59] (Yuyuko) Yukari, you're being too serious 
Anyway, won't you bring something here?
(Yukari) Hello, Suika? Do you have the fireworks?
(Suika) Yeah, I'm reading you loud and clear 

[1:13] But it's all hot air 
(Yuyuko) Better than a scare
(Yukari) We should all prepare for the announcement 
(Suika) Oh, from that Tengu?
(Yukari) You know that, don't you?
(Yuyuko) I'll go get Youmu! Don't set them off just yet!


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