Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unknown X ~ Unfound Adventure

-Reactor Core-

[0:36] (Cirno) Hey, where are you, Daidarabotchi?!
Come out right now and be destroyed by me!
It’s too hot in here, so stop hiding now!
When I find you, you’ll be going down

[0:48] How’d I get here? I got lost, didn’t I?
I’ll just freeze the walls here as a big sign
Boo, it melted. Then how will I mark them?
Daidarabotchi, come and be my friend!

-Utsuho enters-

[0:59] (Utsuho) Foreign Substance detected!

[1:05] (Cirno) Hey, who are you? Daidarabotchi’s mine!
I won’t let you get it before I can!

[1:11] (Utsuho) Core Temperatures falling now!

[1:17] Eliminating the foreign substance
(Cirno) Hey! So that’s it? You’re going down!

[1:45] (Cirno) This is too hot! I gotta get away
(Utsuho) Do you think I’d really let you escape?
(Cirno) I’ll get away before you score a hit!
(Utsuho) Do you think so? I really doubt it

[1:57] [Geothermal: Nuclear Blaze Geyser]!
(Cirno) I can do that also! Now, [Frost Pillars]!
(Utsuho) Hey, they won’t hit you, so just move a bit
(Cirno) You’re not moving either, so why don’t you do it?

[2:08] (Utsuho) Not until you get hit first!

[2:13] (Cirno) Well then, I’ll just take you out from right here!
Get a load of [Freeze Sign: Freeze Atmosphere]!

[2:19] (Utsuho) Critical Temperature Drop!

[2:26] Emergency Measures are Authorized!
[Uncontainable Nuclear Reaction Dive]!

[2:31] (Cirno) That’s too hot! I need to go outside!
There’s that exit! Hah, stupid! I didn’t die!


[2:44] Ahh! That’s too hot! Fly up!
(Marisa) Huh? What’s that?
Geez Cirno, what blew up down there, your ego?

[2:55] (Cirno) Got away, you stupid fire crow!
(Marisa) Oh, I see. So you ran into Utsuho…

[3:06] (Cirno) You mean “Stupid”! Now, where’s my target?
(Marisa) Well, who are you looking for? A challenge?

[3:17] (Cirno) Daidarabotchi! The Legendary Youkai
If I find it and beat it up, then I’ll be fearless
Where is that big thing that I really want to fight?

[3:40] (Marisa) Well, I know something like that
(Cirno) Then tell me where it’s at!
(Marisa) Just go to that forest out there…


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