This aura... So this is your true form then?
(Catfish?) Talking to yourself, even when asleep?
Well let's see how good your footing can be
[0:48] (Meiling) Oh, is that all? I was expecting more
(Catfish) What did you think the assassins were for?
You have no chance after they drained you dry
Your energy allowed me to revive
Why so silent? Struck with grief?
[1:04] (Meiling) Heh, that's funny. Now all this makes more sense
(Catfish) Why do you laugh?
(Meiling) I get what all this meant
All this was to defeat me?
[1:16] For the sake of writing my own legend
The one on which the whole world now depends!
[1:45] (Catfish?) Eldest Daughter, what are you doing now?
(Meiling) Making my own legend while you are going down!
The sole gatekeeper of this Gensokyo
Will never crumble and fall, it is so!
[1:57] (Catfish?) I'll shake you too! Sword of Hisou, release!
(Meiling) I've got something unknown protecting me!
The faith of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!
Can you feel it? Now, [Intense Rainbow Fist]!
(Catfish?) Ah! Wait, what is she doing?
[2:14] (Meiling) I'm not done yet! Even with no energy!
And I see you have stopped the shaking
[Earth Dragon Sky Dragon Kick]!
[2:25] ... I don't sense him around here anymore now
Finally, it seems that I've finished it
[2:32] Well I guess I should return back home
No one will believe I saved Gensokyo
[2:44] (Flandre) Sakuya, where did those two end up?
(Sakuya) Well it seems they landed in the lake there
(Patchouli) The Oarfish is shocking the Celestial...
(Sakuya) Flandre, avoid people like that as well
-Remilia enters-
[3:07] (Remilia) Quiet down! And what was that?
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