Monday, October 24, 2011

Series Core (October 2008)

Presence and Absence (10/1/08)
The color white rejects all others
The color black absorbs
The light of white’s a mix of brothers
The light of black darkness orbs

Farewell Niki (10/1/08)
I guess to start off, the world’s not as neat
Not as ordered, with all things in sight
Rationality and logic, of reasoned deceit
Where things happen as they might

Instead there are bounds where things are unclear
Bound best found through action, not thought
Though I spent all my time debating: There or Here
It is there where here I am caught

O Dreamer of the stories drawn
O Artist of heart hot and cold
Forgive me, for though I wish to move on
My mind’s set, but I am not bold

I thought I knew my actions ahead
I realize hubris’ my curse
For in my own tracks, there I stopped dead
Doing nothing was certainly worse

Mirror Dance (10/2/08)
Of consequence, or prominence
Neither plays in this long game
Some times in passion, some time in sense
We end up at the same

Forward back, up and down, left and right on a scale
We both circle in this dance
Through it all, at the crown, to this others pale
The underlying thought in this trance

I know not my rhyme nor reason
My stuttering adds to the mix
The paralysis of Joyce to the thoughts of the season
Sum up in three words, or in six

Blink (10/27/08)
Two sights, two eyes
One seen the other felt
When one eye opens, the other’s closed
In between’s where visions melt

With eyes unclouded, we see the world
See with light that hath dawned from the sky
Of color, of swirl, within light they twirl
All color into white, by and by

In the dark we all see
From behind closed eyes, a dream
A memory of a world viewed before
Where all is as it would seem

The sights seen within, the sight seen without
Reflects the sight of color and light
And the sight of light searches to find out
More of this dream seen only at night

One lights a road for the other
The other one fuels its flame
Hand and hand, each supporting its brother
All so our sight’s what we tame

Mirrors (10/27/08)
What manner of thing is a mirror of?
Is it solid, opaque, defined?
Something found, something held, something seen above
And insubstantial state of mind

With one hand pressed against cool glass
And two eyes now staring ahead
With a mindset open, it’ll come to pass
That your own face is read

The mirror’s right there
Always ready to display your face
You can hit it, you can bend it, you can twist it around
That image will always be in place.

Reflect (10/27/08)
How is it you can touch your reflection?
Feel what is you, but at the same time is not?
Temporarily cast in its complexion
On its face, your image is caught

Yet that picture made of light and glass
Can never truly be banished
As long as you stand there, it stands there too
If you leave, you find it has vanished

And even if you break that glass in two
Each piece with its own certain size
You’ll find every fragment is looking at you
Always mocking you with your own eyes.

A shadow of my former self (10/28/08)
One day I was walking along a road
(I don’t remember when or where)
I looked ‘round to see my life unfold
And realized my shadow wasn’t there

I always assumed that he was stretched out ahead
Or maybe was trailing behind
Or perhaps he was wandering to the left or the right
But nowhere I looked could I find

That black silhouette, my darkness façade
The wraithlike side of me
The one that I shun, the one I forbade
The one that I could be

I was confused then, for where could he go?
There really was nowhere to hide
And then I stopped as if struck by a blow
What I feared was what was inside!

I did my best to extricate
Him from me, for he had shown
That his sole wish was to replicate
His thoughts to cover my own

Someone who’s not me, invading my mind
His darkness was gripping my soul
And only when I saw where he was did I find
His dark marks, black as coal

I overcame him, I won, I persevered to the end
I changed my mask from black to white
I tore, I smothered, I clawed to rend
The dark to a place of light

A grave lies desolate beside that road
But the casket’s with me, right here
I cover it with light, so that it showed
I wanted the dark to disappear

So while you see me walking here
Remember how I got my mark
I walk the light only because of my fear
I am good because I’m afraid of the dark

All that they see (10/28/08)
I see all that stands before me
I imitate all that’s here
A perfect copy as you can see
Protected behind glass so clear

I show you yourself when you block my view
I show whether I want to or not
I change my appearance whenever something new
Is in my way, and subsequently caught

I’m neither here nor there, yet here I am
Memories of images I amass
I’ll always be here, the silent, still seer
Before you leave, will you wipe the glass?

The mind (10/28/08)
The mind’s like the sea, it surges and ebbs
Flows in and out like the tides
The mind’s like a coin, being tossed in the air
Random chance to which part it sides

The mind’s like a breeze, flowing free and sweet
Across land and sea, it’ll range
The mind’s like the seasons, a cycle complete
In and out, a circle of change

The mind’s like a wasp, when in doubt burrow deep
Wait until the danger has passed
The mind’s like a dragon, upon treasure it’ll sleep
Upon glittering riches amassed

The mind’s like a mirror, it reflects all the colors
Too much stress and its surface will break
The mind’s like the Earth, so different from others
Shifting endless, from itself it’ll quake

The mind’s like a mask, a cover to see
A false face we have to deceive
The mind’s like a task, a purpose to be
A reason to strive to achieve

The mind’s like a painting, a sight to behold
A blank sheet on which to create
The mind’s like a movie, where a plot will unfold
A scene that they all orchestrate

The mind’s like a fair, for players and fools
Where laughs and light tend to haunt
The mind’s like a toolshed, our thoughts are the tools
To be used to create what we want

The mind’s like this page, a list of all things
Ranging from things near and far
The mind is an age, and the life that it brings
Defining to us all we are.

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