[0:02] (Neutral) With the thoughts of
sins still on her mind, the miko wandered out
She decided to consult with others to
address some doubts
[0:15] (Reimu) I don’t think that Marisa
can help me, she’s way too simple
What did she mean “Don’t pick fights with
humans”? What if they’re my foe?
the SDM-
[0:28] (Sakuya) Ah, that’s a surprise.
Meiling said you were looking for me?
(Reimu) Oh, right. That. No, nevermind.
It’s been resolved already
(Sakuya) Ah, may I assume you have been
to the Sanzu?
(Reimu) Yeah, I guess. So you’ve been out
there? What did she say to you?
[0:53] (Sakuya) I require warmth, but
it’s quite troublesome
Being too forward is seen as odd by some
[1:06] (Reimu) Well, yeah. If they don’t
ask for it, getting it is weird
(Sakuya) Ah, I see. So it wasn’t an issue
with me, as I feared
[1:17] May I ask what was your lecture?
You seem quite put out
And I must admit that I’m quite curious
what it was about
[1:30] (Reimu) She complained that I’ve
been fighting everyone too much
Saying I shouldn’t exterminate everyone
in a rush
[1:42] (Sakuya) Is that not the job of a
miko? That is what I heard
Or perhaps there is issue with the way
that you resolve things?
(Reimu) Apparently not. It’s more like I
should hold back?
And try to balance any sin by doing nicer
[2:08] Oh, and by the way… it’s been
bothering me…
Why’s the yard on fire and Meiling’s up
that tree?
(Sakuya) Marisa came by and left her
usual way
And Meiling’s up there to help out
[2:33] (Reimu) Oh! That’s right! That was
something else! I can’t fight humans
The Yama mentioned I should fight Youkai
whenever I can
[2:46] The problem is that I can’t get my
revenge against Marisa
Which is stupid because she deserves it,
based on what I saw
[2:58] (Sakuya) Perhaps what she meant is
that you should refrain from a fight?
There are other methods to take to get
even, am I right?
(Reimu) Oh, there’s an idea! Now just to
plan out something!
By the way, should you help those two?
The pink one is falling
[3:24] (Meiling) Sakuya, please help!
Miss Patchouli is stuck!
(Sakuya) This is quite a mess (Reimu)
Well, see you then! Good luck!
Oh, and Marisa and I planned a viewing
We don’t expect much, but still it’s a
new spring
[3:49] (Meiling) Does she know we’ve been
invited by that Crow Tengu?
And by all the things she said, I don’t
think that it’s just those two…
[4:01] (Sakuya) That bodes ill: False
invitations extended around?
(Patchouli) Can one of you two just fly
up here and help me just get down?!
back to the shrine-
[4:14] (Reimu) Ah, I feel better! She’s
right, I need to get even
I don’t have to punish her physically, so
it’s not a sin
Still, what will I do to get my revenge
on her?
It’s not like I’m good at those things.
This is tough… whatever
[4:40] I’ll work out something, since
this is important
After all, it’s not like there’s no way I
And the white rabbit… oh, wait, she’s a
Then everything’s fine! I can beat up her
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