Friday, January 23, 2015

Wind God Girl (14)

[0:18] (Marisa) Yes, Yes I am. She was too slow, so I just picked her up
Oh, by the way. How much water is your stand gonna need?
(Mystia) First put me down! (Komachi) So what exactly are you trying to do?
(Marisa) It’s obvious! I’m getting good karma with some good deeds

[0:42] So ya said that ya needed water to serve up at your stand right?
(Mystia) No, I didn’t! You just swooped in and kidnapped me!
(Marisa) Oh, that’s right! But all the rest was right? About needin’ the water and all?
(Komachi) I think that magician is too carefree

[1:21] (Aya) That’s just how she and Reimu are
Honestly, I’m surprised they get anything done
(Marisa) Anyway, how are we gonna do this (Komachi) Umm, define “we”
(Marisa) The four of us here now, obviously

[1:45] So I’d say buckets are right out. Those things just leak onto the ground
If only there was a big tub or something like that just laying around
Ah, got it! Grab that ferry! It’ll hold enough for only a trip or two
(Komachi) Wait, what?! What in the world will you do?

[2:09] (Aya) Is this much good? But still I doubt people want dirt in food they eat
(Marisa) No, it’s all good. All these spirits don’t have feet
Ya got that end? We’re going fast, so try to keep up here with me!
(Aya) Are you kidding? Us Crow Tengu are the best when you measure us in speed!
(Komachi) Hey, wait up! Who in the world said that you could take my ferry to play!
(Marisa) All set? Well then, here we go! [Blazing Star], da~ze!

-Marisa/Aya leave, Komachi leaves-
[3:02] (Mystia) What do I do? Everyone left me here alone with ghosts!
I guess I should find a way to get back home for today
Stay away ghosts There’s nothing here you want, so move along
And my stand’s not even in that direction anyway…

[3:25] (Marisa) Hey, coming through! (Yuuka) Was that the witch?
(Komachi) You two get back here this instant!
(Yuuka) It looks like you’re having trouble, shinigami
Well I guess I’ll leave you to it, it does not concern me how you choose to play
So where is your boss now? (Komachi) She’s off that way
-Yuuka leaves-

[4:03] Wait, I got turned around, hold on
…Oh, too late. That flower youkai’s already gone
It’s just one big river. I’m sure she’ll find her anyway
Oh, not good. They’re gone. Okay, where are they?

[4:27] (Aya) Hey, that’s not bad. You can keep up. But I think you forgot one thing
Do you recall where we’re going? (Marisa) Yeah, but you’re in charge of all the steering
(Aya) Is that right? Sorry, my bad. Give me a sec to turn this boat the right way
Alright, it’s now ahead! (Marisa) [Blazing Star] ~ze!

-at the Sanzu-
[4:53] (Mystia) Back away, ghosts Nothing to see
Just a sparrow. Please don’t eat me
(Eiki) you’ve made it worse. These spirits now seek out your song
(Mystia) Well drive them off! They’re too scary! I just want to get out of here
(Eiki) Yes, that’s enough. All of you ghosts should settle down now and move right along
Now let’s see.. Well Mystia, perhaps I could have a quick word here with you
There are things you should hear to help you

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