Saturday, February 28, 2015

Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Star (5)

[0:11] (Marisa) Hey Aya! What’s going on?
(Aya) I think I could ask you that myself
(Marisa) Well, I came prepared to fight
I’m ready to rain down hell
(Aya) Oh, do you have a target?
(Marisa) It’s whoever is in those clouds
I’m pretty sure that they’re behind all the rain that follows me around

[0:54] Hey, you can control the winds, can’t you? Calm this down right now!
Stop blowing things around
(Aya) I don’t think so. This isn’t something from my ability
This storm just seems to keep around me
(Marisa) I wonder, if I beat you up enough, then will the storm calm down after?
(Aya) Oh, if that’s your idea, there is only one way we’ll find out
(Marisa) I could use the practice for sure

[1:32] (Aya) Well then, I’ll concede this match. You need to save up your energy
(Marisa) Well then, I’ll be going up. The place over the cloud’s sunny
(Aya) You’re looking for a weird girl who had blue hair and a peach hat
(Marisa) Well, I’m sure I can track her down. There aren’t many people like that

[2:15] [Comet: Blazing Star], let’s go! Incoming! Heads down, weather culprit! I’m coming to take you down!
You are gonna get flattened by the number two resolver. Let’s get this started right now
Almost there! The clouds are clearing up a bit
There won’t be any more rain
Hey, who’s there? Well, she’s not it. She’s got purple hair
Coming through now! Gangway!

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