Thursday, October 2, 2014

[3:00] Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon

[0:00] (Reisen) You two will not pass me in any direction
This mansion is under my special protection
Fall to insanity within lunatic eyes
Like that you would have seen from the moon in the sky

[0:09] If I beat you, you must leave this place for tonight
I can guarantee that the moon will be set right
(Yuyuko) Yukari already explained all that to me
(Reisen) Wait, when did you see her? (Yuyuko) Through a little gap, see?

[0:19] (Reisen) Then why are you still here? (Remilia) There’s something to settle
(Yuyuko) Youmu’s gonna beat you to show off her mettle
(Remilia) And speaking of metal, Sakuya, your new knives?
(Reisen) None of that will matter. Go, Lunatic Red Eyes!

[0:28] (Youmu) Wah! I missed! The floor just bent around me!
(Sakuya) As far as I can tell, she’s confusing us
I can’t navigate when time is stopped properly

[0:47] (Reisen) [Stare of the Hazy Phantom Moon], activate!
I had already said that it was too late

[1:06] (Yuyuko) Three mochi that the winner is Youmu!
(Tewi) I think that you forgot these don’t belong to you…
(Remilia) Well then, two cups on Sakuya for me
(Tewi) How are you supposed to bet tea?!

[1:20] (Remilia) So, rabbit. What is your own wager then?
(Tewi) Three minutes of survival in terms of Reisen
(Reisen) Tewi, don’t you think that I could win this fight?
(Tewi) You already lost tonight

[1:30] (Remilia) Well! It seems like you don’t have many supporters
Perhaps you are lacking in guarding your borders?
Falling sleep at your post still means you’re failing
(Sakuya) Mistress, not all bad guards are as bad as Meiling

[1:39] (Yuyuko) Youmu, slash to the left! She is over that way!
(Remilia) Sakuya, be careful! Hey, don’t slash at my maid!
(Reisen) Are you two attacking each other or just me?
(Youmu) Sorry about that one (Sakuya) Interesting. I can see!

[1:58] (Yuyuko) See? Youmu is helping! Youmu, slash her again!
(Sakuya) Why does that keep working? (Youmu) It’s my Hakurauken
It’s supposed to cut through anyone’s confusion
… So mistress wanted me to break her illusion?...

[2:07] (Yuyuko) Youmu, that’s not correct. You have to defeat her
If you take her out now, then that means you beat her!
(Remilia) That’s not part of our bet. The rabbit is your foe!
(Tewi) (Come on, keep on stalling. Two more minutes to go)

[2:15] (Reisen) Tewi, what is that timer? (Tewi) Oh, it’s nothing special
Look out, here those two come! You should be more careful
(Youmu) [Slash: Eternal Future]! (Yuyuko) Youmu, she’s behind you
(Sakuya) I must say that those eyes make it hard to find you

[2:24] (Remilia) So, rabbit. How much is on that timer?
(Tewi) I am not telling, but you should know that it is enough
(Remilia) Is that so? You should beware before Fate
(Tewi) What is that supposed to mean? (Remilia) It means that the time you said is too late!

[3:03] (Reisen) [Lunar Rabbit’s Remote Mesmerism]
I can’t believe that I had to use this again
(Yuyuko) Youmu, she’s on the ground ahead of you!
(Remilia) Sakuya, go claim my win!

[3:16] (Reisen) Fine, I give. I concede defeat you two
(Tewi) Wait a second, Reisen! One more minute will do!
… Geez Reisen, you didn’t fight long enough
But I never put something up~

[3:27] (Remilia) Well, here is your blood-tea (Tewi) I don’t want to drink that!
And give me the mochi! (Yuyuko) No! Those three are my snack!
(Reisen) So can you two tell me why we had to do this?
(Youmu/Sakuya) It’s mistress’ orders (Reisen) So it was all pointless?

[3:36] (Remilia) Alright, to your master! (Reisen) Why should I guide you four?
(Tewi) Second-to-the-left one (Youmu) So it’s behind this door?
(Reisen) Tewi, what are you doing? (Tewi) What? I want to see this
Which of those two servants has a stronger mistress

[3:55] (Remilia) For your information, I won’t raise a finger
It’s not worth my effort to join in the fighting
(Yuyuko) Oh, come on, it’ll be fun. Let’s both join the party
It’ll make the Dragon Dish all the more exciting!


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